⁂ Chap. 4 Beginning

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During the Great Human and Werewolf War, Lucifer lost both of his parents and later was ranked as an Omega. After he was DE-ranked, he attracted a lot of bullies, for a couple of years, he would come home to an empty house with cuts and bruises. That was until he met a young male werewolf that changed his life forever.


The palace wolf backed up immediately, his entire body trembling. He seemed a bit distracted for a while then later I could hear bone cracking as he shifted into a large gray wolf and ran towards the direction of the city of the kingdom.

The people around began to huddle together in groups, as the higher rank werewolf that was always in control of the Work group walked up to me. He carefully scans me, I am on the dirt ground with my brunette hanging on the side of my shoulders in curls, and there is a blood line on the corner of my lip to my chin. He throws a napkin at me and points it on the corner of his lip, I grab the napkin and slowly get up while I clean the cut on my lips.

"What's your name?" The werewolf asked with a low tone.

What would be the best course of action, I asked myself. He probably knows that I've been faking as a boy, but maybe he doesn't. Worth a shot, "Hen-"

"Hailey, I'm afraid we're going to have to cut your work short. Your earnings will be sent to your home. " He interrupted with an annoyed tone behind it.

"H-How do you know my-"

He rudely cut me off again, "Your friend over there mentioned your name while you passed out during the beginning of the trip."

That's how he knew...?

Before I could speak, the werewolf sternly demanded. "You have been chosen for the next Auction coming up this week. "

My heart dropped, "Wait..... What?"

"There is a request to put you up for Auctioning." He sneers.

Request? But I literally just got revealed 1 minute ago? How can there already be a request for me?

I hesitantly replied, "No..."

The werewolf's eyes twitch then a few seconds later it grew a glowing red, "No?..." He stepped closer to me, while I stepped back and as soon as I did, I was surrounded by 4 werewolves, blocking me in.

I turn my head back facing the high-ranking Werewolf, "Hailey I don't think you understand the situation you're in."

He lowered his head close to my face, his hot breath touched my left ear lobe. "You're very lucky, if nobody had put a request for you, I would've killed you here myself. But because someone did, you're going to be a good little slave and obey, you wouldn't want anything to happen to poor young Timmy now would you?" He threatens darkly.

I turn my head staring at Timmy, Liam was wrapping a stick on his arm with his torn shirt. The werewolf continues knowing I had his full attention, "You're going to be sent to the Auctioning guest house right now. "

My eyes widen, "Now? Why now? Didn't you say it would happen in a week? Why am I being taken now!?" I anguishly pleaded.

"You have a week to get ready for the Auction, we wouldn't want more bruises to form, besides I heard about how you escaped the last time the 2 werewolves tried to get you." He moves his head slightly towards his right signaling at the 2 werewolves in the distance.

I turned my head to where he was signaling, it was the 2 werewolves who came to pick me up for the Auction last year.

"Besides we wouldn't want you to think of another way to escape us," He added before walking away.

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