Chapter 26

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Lev was pissed, how dare he treat Yaku like that. The grey haired boy had happened to see Yachi and Yuki going out on a date and he was so angry that the pretty boy would do this behind Yaku's back.

The boy decided that he needed some advice but for some reason the only people that he bumped into was Bokuto and Kuroo but he was desperate so they'd have to do. "Kuroo san" the boy said nervously, "I saw Yuki going on a date with Yachi earlier, do you think that I should tell Yaku san?"

Bokuto looked confused, "why does Yaku need to know about that?" "I thought that they liked each other. So it's not fair if Yaku doesn't realise that he doesn't feel the same way as him" Lev answered. "Are you sure he likes him? I think that I've only ever seen Yaku speak to him twice and I mean it's obvious that he really likes...". "Bokuto dude, shut the fuck up. You don't wanna mess with Yaku, he's a savage if you piss him off he'll attack and believe me I've been on the opposite end of one of his kicks on more than one occasion" Kuroo screeched.

"Please tell me who he likes" Lev pleaded. "Sorry bro I can't" Kuroo replied but for some reason the boys look of despair made him rethink his decision. "I'm not gonna tell you but I'll give you a couple of clues but you have to try and find out who Yaku actually likes." The tall boy smiled, "thank you Kuroo san." Kuroo looked at him and thought, 'don't thank me yet'. "Okay, Yaku likes a boy who plays volleyball and has grey hair." "Who has grey hair" the boy replied. "God your dumb. Just go and think about it" Kuroo smirked. So that's exactly what he did.

'Okay let's think about this' the boy thought to himself, 'grey hair. Well there's Suga from Karasuno, Semi from Shiratorizawa, Osamu and Kita from Inarizaki and Bokuto from Fukurodani'.

Lev's thoughts -

Suga is really nice and really pretty and I have seen them interact with each other alot but wasn't Suga with Daichi?

Semi is really good looking and he plays guitar and sings in a band so he's really cool but I've never seen him speak to Yaku san and he likes Shirabu

Osamu is kinda hot but I think that he'd be too quiet and laid back for Yaku and he's dating Suna

Kita definitely not, he's in a commited relationship with Aran and Yaku san would never interfere with that

That leaves Bokuto, NO, he iritates Yaku san more than I do and he's head over heels with Akaashi who is good friends with Yaku san.

This is hard, I can't imagine him having feelings for any of them and Yuki's not in the picture, so who?

Lev was brought out of his trance by a small orange haired boy who had become a really good friend in the short time that they had known each other. "Hey Lev" Hinata smiled brightly. "Hi" he replied. "Are you okay?" the small boy asked. " Not really" he replied just as he noticed Kenma appearing from behind Hinata. "He has a crush on Yaku" Kenma mumbled, not raising his eyes from his phone.

Hinata looked at the boy and asked, "you like Yaku san, Lev?" "No" he spluttered. "Don't lie dumbass" Kenma smirked. "Oh my God Kenma you sound like Kageyama" Hinata laughed while Kenma gave him a displeased look. "What, Kags is cute" Hinata replied. "He's scary as fuck Shoyo and really intense" Kenma pointed out. "He's not like that with me though" Hinata sighed dreamily. "Get a room Shoyo" Kenma shrieked. "Maybe later" the small boy replied with a wink.

"Please guys, help me" Lev wailed. Both boys looked at him as he continued, "Kuroo san and Bokuto said that he liked someone who plays volleyball and has grey hair". Kenma rolled his eyes, "and?". "What do you mean, and?" "It isn't too hard, who could it be Hinata asked. "Well it could be Suga, Semi, Osamu, Kita or Bokuto but it doesn't make sense". "Oh my God dude, you've forgotten the most likely one" Kenma chuckled. Lev looked confused, "who?" "YOU, you idiot" Kenma shouted.

Lev stood dazed for a while until the implications hit him, "Oh". "There it goes, the penny finally drops although I have no idea how someone as responsible and angry as Yaku could like you". However the tall boy hadn't heard any of what Kenma said as he dashed off to find Yaku. Unfortunately instead of just finding him he bumped into him and nearly knocked the boy out.

"What the fuck, Lev" Yaku shouted, however when he looked at the gangly Russian something looked off. The boy was looking at him with what only could be described as adoration in his eyes. "Yaku san, I really like you. In a romantic like way. Would you consider going out with me?"

Yaku stood blushing with his mouth wide and eyes gaping, "who told you?"he asked. "No one I just hoped it was me" the boy replied gently brushing his hand across Yaku's face to move a stray eyelash that was on his cheek. Yaku couldn't believe that the team idiot was making him feel like this but he couldn't take anymore, "kiss me" he whispered. Lev, although nervous, didn't need telling twice as he bent down to kiss the smaller boy.

"Does this mean that you'll be my boyfriend?" Lev asked hopefully. "Yes" the boy replied smiling brightly.

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