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Yamaguchi just kept running as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face. His legs finally buckled underneath him sending him crashing to the ground.

"Yams, are you ok?" shouted Yachi. She had been on a date with Yuki and had seen the state that the boy was in. "What happened?" she asked him softly as she held him in his arms. The boy just continued to sob.

Yuki watched them both together and noticed that Yamaguchi was bleeding. " Yachi, his knee's bleeding. I'll go and get a first aid kit" the boy shouted whilst running off in the opposite direction.

"What happened Tadashi? Did someone hurt you?" The boy slowly wiped his face and with a broken voice and replied, "Tsuki and Kuroo turned up together whilst I was hanging out with Kenma. He said he wanted to talk to me but I'm not ready to lose him completely. I know that they're together and he's just gonna tell me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore."

"You're too good for him anyway" she stated with venom in her voice. "I'm not Yachi. I mean who would want me?" Yachi was so used to Yamaguchi putting himself down, the boy had no confidence but he was one of the most beautiful people that she knew, both inside and out. She needed to make him believe in himself.

"Okay, I'm gonna out a bunch of people who have had or still have a crush on you" the blonde said noticing the blush on her friends face. "Okay first the people who had a crush on you. Me" "What" Yamaguchi gasped. "Shush, let me finish" she replied. "Also Shirabu from Shiratorizawa, Futakuchi and Sousuke from Date Tech, Konoha from Fukurodani, Inuoka from Nekoma and Yahaba from Aoba Johsai. I believe that the manager from Johzenji also liked you"

Yamaguchi was a blushing mess but that didn't stop Yachi from carrying on. "Okay there are a few that have a crush on you at the moment. Yukie the manager from Fukurodani, Inuoka from Nekoma still likes you but apparently there is someone who has it really bad for you." "Who?" the boy whispers. "Terushima, the Captain from Johzenji" ..."and me" a voice said from just out of the line of vision. Both boys turned to see Tsuki.

Yamaguchi stood up to run but Yachi stopped him. "Tadashi, I think that you both need to talk but I'll be near if you need me. Okay?" "Okay" the boy replied. The blonde girl got up and walked towards Yuki who had just appeared with the first aid kit.

"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" the bespectacled boy asked. "Yeah" Yamaguchi answered whilst still looking at the floor.

"I like you Tadashi" the blonde whispered. Yamaguchi's eyes widened with shock. "I don't understand" the boy replied, "you're with Kuroo." He hated saying that name, he hated him. "We have never been together" Tsuki answered. "Don't lie, I've seen the evidence" the smaller boy replied raising his voice. "I'm not lying, just please listen to me" he pleaded.

Yamaguchi glared at him but remained quiet. "I've liked you for years but I had it in my head that you were into Yachi, I got upset. Kuroo was having the same issue with Kenma and Hinata and one night when I was hanging with him and Bokuto we got drunk and stupid owl boy dared us to hold hands and kiss so we did. I regretted it instantly because all that I could think was that I wish that it was you I was kissing"

The boys looked at each other smiling sadly until Yamaguchi flung his arms around the blondes neck and whispered, "It's ok Tsuki." The tall blonde looked at the boy who was so close to him and without thinking he moved in until their lips touched. He was expecting Yamaguchi to pull away and slap him but he didn't, he kissed back. "I love you Tadashi." "I love you too Kei."

Private message from Yachi to Kiyoko

Yachi - The plan has worked, all matches are together

Kiyoko - I'm so happy. We can have a party tomorrow as it's our last day. Everyone is with who they should be with.

Yachi - Not everyone, are you going to tell him before we go home?

Kiyoko - I think that it's about time I did. Don't you?

Yachi - Yes, I can't wait.

Kiyoko - Good night Hitoka

Yachi - Goodnight 🙂

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now