Chapter 27

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Tendou wished that Ushijima would look at him the way that he looked at Oikawa but he knew deep down that he never would. The boy knew that he could never be classed as conventionally beautiful the way that Oikawa was but he was human, he had a heart, feelings and he knew that he deserved to be loved.

The red head was bullied throughout his school years, he had even gotten used to it. He believed what they all said about him, he was a monster. As he got older he learned to hide it, everyone thought he was a joker that he was always happy but he was like Oikawa in one major way, he knew how to fake a smile even when it hurt.

He had hated Oikawa all through high school until the week before when the Seijoh Captain laid himself bare to his friends. He was suffering like Tendou, the love that he felt for his long term best friend and vice captain was ripping him apart, just like the red head.

Oikawa had offered Tendou a shoulder to cry on and offered to support him in any way possible and he promised that he would never get involved, even if things didn't work with Iwa, with a person who one of his friends had deep feelings for. The two boys shared a bond and Oikawa couldn't stand watching him fade away as his love was unrequited.

"Aomine's hot" Oikawa giggled. "Hey, I'm here" Iwa growled. "It's ok babe, he's nowhere near as hot as you and no one could ever take Iwa chan's place" the boy replied pulling his boyfriend closer.

"You two make me feel so single" Tendou whined. "Yeah but, you have an hot guy following you around, have fun" Suga smirked. "I know he hot but he's not Wakatoshi" the boy replied quietly. "He doesn't deserve you" Akaashi joined in. "I know that you're trying to help but I can't help how I feel" the boy replied whilst sadly walking off.

"Fucking stupid Ushiwaka" Oikawa screeched. "How can he not see that he has such a beautiful person, who so obviously loves him, right in front of him."

"You should all take a good look at yourselves" Tanaka interjected, "I've never seen so many oblivious people all in one place." "He has a point" Iwa replied.

"We need to help Tendou" Oikawa blurted out. "How?" Akaashi asked, suddenly interested. "We need to get Aomine over here to see if he can help stir some shit and Iwa, Daichi and Bokuto can find out what's going on with Ushiwaka". Iwa groaned along with the other two boys who had stayed quiet whilst their boyfriends discussed how to 'sort out' Ushijima.

Minutes later Tendou and Aomine were with Oikawa, Suga and Akaashi whilst Iwa, Daichi and Bokuto went to locate Ushijima to grill him for information.

They eventually found him at one of the barbeque areas talking to Semi. "Hey" Semi waved, "what are you three up to?" Ushijima looked round at the three boys and asked, "Is Oikawa going to join us?" The question really pissed Iwa off it was like the Shiratorizawa Captain had no clue that it was inappropriate to keep pursuing Oikawa. Daichi could see the anger in Iwa's face, "just ignore him" he whispered.

Obviously Ushijima didn't read the room as he asked the same question again much to Iwa's annoyance, "You do know that Kawa is dating me don't you?"he asked trying to keep his cool. "Yes" he answered. "Then why the fuck are you trying to insert yourself into his life" Iwa shouted as Daichi and Bokuto struggled to hold him back. "You should be directing your affection to someone who actually likes you instead of stalking my boyfriend"

Semi was trying to guide Ushijima away from the volatile situation. "What does he mean Eita, someone who likes me?" "It's not my place to tell you" the grey haired boy replied. "But I need to know" the boy replied.

Iwa decided he couldn't take it anymore, "I don't know why he cares about you so much. He's too good for you anyway" "Who are you talking about" Ushijima replied his voice rising slightly.

"Me, you fucking idiot. He means me" The five boys turned around to see Tendou looking annoyed but sad at the same time. "I don't understand what you mean" the Shiratorizawa Captain answered. Tendou had, had enough. He was done so he strode across to his Captain grabbed hold of his face and kissed him. Ushijimas eyes were bulging wide as he stood rigid in place, giving the red head nothing. Tendou pulled away and sighed, "I should have known, I repulse you, don't I?" and with that he turned and began to walk away until someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

The next thing the boy knew was that he was in Ushijimas arms being kissed, deeply. After a minute or two he pulled away looking at his Captain with confusion. "Don't play with me" he growled at the boy. "Satori, I'm not playing with you. I only mention Oikawa because I feel that he wasted his potential so that he could stay with the boy he loves" Iwa was going to give him a piece of his mind until Tendou smiled softly. " Wakatoshi they're in love and have been according to Kawa since the day they first met. A career is short term but an epic love is forever and I think that's what they have, so please don't belittle that".

Ushijima looked at the boy intently, "we could have an epic love if you just give us a try" Tendou was shocked, "Are you saying that you want to date me?" "Yes Satori, I do he smiled. "Ok then let's do this.

"Yes let's" theboy replied.

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