f i v e

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"Ow no... i'm so sorry but my mom needs me, you have to pay but i'll give my part back, see you later" The sudden turn of events confuses the both of them but Jay has no other choice then going to his mom. Sunghoon is left alone but luckily they were already done with eating.

He grabs some money and puts in on the small money plate. Then grabs his stuff and leaves the restaurant with an slightly anxious feeling. He's pretty popular so anyone can approach him and it's one of the first times he's in the outside world.

Just when he thought everything was okay he hears someone screaming and running after him. He turns around and sees the waiter running up to him.

"Y-you don't want any money back? You payed 30 too much" The boy says while trying to catch his breath. Sunghoon smiles lightly and looks into the boys eyes.

"It's an extra, keep it, you're new here and i'm already satisfied" Sunghoon softly says, making the boy smile. Sunghoon finds him absolutely handsome and cute at the same time.

"Well then thank you very much, Sunghoon" The boy says and Sunghoon gulps. Here he goes, another crazy fan on mission of stalking him. The boy notices how Sunghoon's expression changes and that makes him panic. "W-wait i did not mean that in a creepy way.... i-im a big fan of yours..."

"A fan??"

"M-mhm... you're amazing, i admire you so much"

"You do...?"

"Of course, y-you should see yourself on the ice, it's the most magical thing i've ever seen, i wish i was you but i can't even ice skate normal... it seems amazing to just feel the wind through your hair and to feel as if you're free and-"


Jake's eyes widen and then he chuckles nervously because he has been talking way too much. He bows and turns around after saying a soft "Sorry but i need to go". Sunghoon still needs to process what just happened, the words are not escaping his mind, someone really admires him? Well a lot of people do but hearing it from him made it so much better.

"Wait! What's your name?!" Sunghoon screams, hoping the Jake still hears it. Jake turns around and smiles softly before answering him.


𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 • 𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now