t h i r t y f o u r

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"S-Sunghoon!! I told you i-i would only drop you off!!" Jake whisper screams as his boyfriend drags him towards the front door. Sunghoon is just focused on what he will say towards his parents. He feels angry, sad but also comfortable, only because Jake's with him.

"I just need you with me" Sunghoon says and stops right before the door. He takes a deep breath in and out before opening the door. Jake holds on tight onto Sunghoon's hand and starts to hide behind him.

The house seems like as if no one's here until he hears his sister run over to them. Sunghoon smiles lightly and gets attacked in a hug.

"You should've not come hoon... im warning you."

"Why?? Did something happen? To you?"

"No no, im all okay but dad-"

"Mina?! Who's that?!?!!" Their dad screams and Mina lets Sunghoon go, smiling softly towards Jake who she noticed right away. Their dad walks over to them with their mom following him. "Ah. It's my son who decided to come. Finally. And i see you have your lovely beloved boyfriend with you."

His dad walks closer towards them, as if he's gonna do something with Jake so Sunghoon stops his dad and pulls Jake closer to him.

"What do you think you're doing with him?"

"Calm down son, i just want to give him a warm welcome in our fami-" He gets caught off by Sunghoon who pushes him back as he wanted to grab Jake's other arm.

"A warm welcome?? I know you're just being nice so that i will come back!!! I only came because i wanted to talk normally about things but i guess that won't happen."

"It will happen son. You're coming back or else we'll lock you up in your room"

"Have you seen what happened every time you locked me up??? I was not able to skate for a month, do you want that dad? No of course not because you want me to win every time. Every day practice, competition, you take my medal and sell it for money. Money you use for your own. Vacation for you and mom, new furniture, new house, everything YOU'RE desiring. Prizes i won, I WON, i couldn't buy stuff i wanted because i don't have a lot of money. I'm homeschooled, don't have a job, don't have a lot of friends. Now i have a boyfriend who i love very much and you're willing to lock me up again. You really think i'm going back to ice skating if you treat me like this?!" Sunghoon screams out and the whole room falls in a silent mood. Jake rests his head against Sunghoon's back and slowly closes his eyes until he feels Sunghoon go away. He looks up and sees Sunghoon's dad holding tight onto Sunghoon.

"I bet you held that in for so long. What made you scared? Me? Mom? The thought of us letting you quit ice skating? The thought of hurting everyone around you?"

"Hur-Hurting everyone?? Why?"

"You don't want everyone to suffer right? This is bad for everyone around you, people will look disgusted at me, your mom, your sister, your ice skate friends, you cousin, your family and boyfriend, they will know that you hurt them because you did not behave very well" Sunghoon's dad says and Sunghoon looks into his eyes with an regretting look. His dad knows exactly what Sunghoon's breaking point is and it works every time but Jake does not like that.

Sunghoon told Jake about his breaking point. Sunghoon never wants to hurt anyone so that's why he never stood up against his dad but this time he totally forgot about that.

"You're so wrong for treating him this way" Jake softly says but it's loud enough for everyone to look his way. Mina gulps and Sunghoon's dad looks at Jake with the scariest eyes.

"What did you say?"

"You're so wrong for treating him this way! He's your son and he has feelings too! How dare you play with his feelings while you know exactly that it's his breaking point. Sunghoon lived a life of not going against you because he did not wanted to hurt you but what happened? He got hurt instead. Pay attention to him, love him, not treat him like a money maker, be glad he still loves ice skating but money is not the most important thing. Fame is just a thing he got with it too, let him be and treat him like a dad would treat him"

"You have no say in this! You know him for two months! And-"

"DAD SHUT UP FOR ONCE" Mina screams and the room falls silent again. She pulls Sunghoon away from her dad and gives him over to Jake. "I'm five years older than Sunghoon yet you treat him so differently than me. I already find that you push me a lot but my brother, my own brother, did not get the first 18 years of his life like i did, it hurt so much leaving him here with you two because dad you only care about the money and mom you're so overly obsessed with the fame around him, sometimes i just regret going for ballet instead of my brother because you two broke him. You're gonna let him or else i'll take everything that actually was from Sunghoon's money, you better give some money back tho."


"Not now mom" Mina says and turns around towards Sunghoon and Jake. She takes them in a comforting hug and whispers. "I'll take care of mom and dad, you two go back to Jake's place and rest, text your cousin and friends hoon, that will do you good"

She backs away and ruffles the hair of both boys. They turn around and leave the house as Mina turns around again.

"I'm 23 years old and i'm actually not that nice as you think so you two better listen carefully"

𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 • 𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara