t w e n t y t h r e e

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Sunghoon enters the big room and looks around the room where it's decorated in every spot. It's pretty crowded so he scared that he will not find his friends but before he knows he sees two figures running up to him. He chuckles and embraces them in a big hug.

"I thought i would never find you two"

"You're a giant, how can we not see you?" Wonyoung says making Sunghoon chuckle. They back away and Sunghoon takes another look at the room. "Big right? I cannot even afford that with my money"

"She just really a dad's daughter, dad's do everything for their children" Soobin says and Sunghoon looks down at his feet. He wished that what Soobin said was true. All the money his parents have is being spend at the house or their own trips. They even use Sunghoon's money, birthday party's are never a thing and expensive gifts are never being given. Not that Sunghoon cares about that but having some lovely attention would be great.

"Now let's have a look around okay?? Maybe we can find her" Wonyoung says and the other two nod before leaving to walk around.


"Hey... Why are you not with Soobin and Wonyoung?"

Sunghoon suddenly hears a voice and looks behind him, seeing Yuna walk over to him. Sunghoon left some minutes ago to take some fresh air so he ended up on the balcony. Not really thinking that someone would find him.

"Just taking some fresh air, it's pretty crowded" Sunghoon says and Yuna stands next to him. She hums and looks at the beautiful view. Sunghoon frowns a bit and does the same as her. "And why are you not enjoying your birthday party??"

"It's pretty crowded... Birthday's are not really my thing, especially this big"

"But i thought you loved it"

"Because im the ceo's daughter?? Not really, this is the first time that it's this big, my dad didn't listen to me so i just had to go with it, just because i can take over the company later does not mean i want all these big stuff. I'm always home, not allowed to go anywhere, surprisingly only to ice skating but im happy about that because i love watching you all" Yuna says and Sunghoon relates a bit to what she's saying. He never thought that Yuna was like this, he thought that behind the sweet account was a spoiled girl but that's not the reality.

"I get you, not getting to go anywhere, only ice skating but in the other end im kinda jealous, your dad does this for you while my dad does nothing than only doing his own stuff, im just a ice skater to him, not even a son..." Sunghoon sighs and suddenly feels Yuna's hand on his hand. He looks at her and surprisingly her eyes calms him down. As if he's being heard by the right person.

"I'm sorry that it's like that for you... but i know that your dad loves you... he's just brainwashed by all the fame and money~ go against him, make him face reality, will make him face his own son again"

"I want that for so long but im scared that he will make me leave ice skating... it's my biggest passion and i can't loose that"

"Ow he won't do that or else im gonna send my dad... he will have a goood conversation, i promise" Yuna smiles lightly, making Sunghoon also smile lightly. "I have a good feeling about it, just fight okay?" Yuna says and Sunghoon nods. She suddenly hugs him and Sunghoon hugs her back. Even though they don't know each other that well, it felt good having this conversation.

But what they don't know is that someone saw it all.

𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 • 𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now