My Final Motive

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<Y/N's Point of View>

I finally arrived in this place. The highest island ever that floated in Ionia was called Vercus and it was the best place I could think off when I decided to off myself from this world. I finally finished everything I need to...but the cost me everything. My friends, my brothers. I shed a tear when I remembered that scene, fire was ravaging the place and I was there kneeling as I held the man in my lap. He had too many wounds and too little time to live as blood dripped on my lap.

I shook my head hoping to forget that scene, I'll be joining you all soon so please, please wait until then. I looked at the forest filled with spirit trees as cyan fireflies flew everywhere, even though it's day their light was visible. The trees glowed a light blue one and their leaves had the same color with the hint of maroon, hah, as much as I want to hang myself onto one of them I'd rather not tarnish such beautiful creatures. There was a path heading to the top so I smiled and followed it.

I felt the cold wind blow even when I was covered by the trees, it made my hair follow the same direction they were heading until it calmed down. That resulted to my mullet landing in my right shoulder, it was long enough to reach my hips and it was something I have ignored for a long time. I just gathered my mullet in front and started braiding it as I walked. The path was simply a free space where no bush grew but there were some branches that could hit me if I wasn't watching. I sighed and continued walking.

I've been walking for almost 20 minutes and it seems like I wasn't even close to half of the mountain but I didn't mind. I've got nothing but time and a walk like this makes me feel a little prepared. I was observing the place as I walked and I've met a lot of creatures, mostly birds and hares along with wild poros but I didn't let myself touch such innocent creatures. My hand has already been dirtied with massacre and I might be going to hell. I chuckled at the idea and just pocketed my arms. I felt the paper and my smile grew a little lighter, it was a will of some sort but it was just random babbles about my life. The things I like, the things I wanted to do, and the reason why I decided to do this.

I flinched when I heard some sort of sound. In the far distance, I stopped and waited if that sound is to appear again...nothing. Hah, guess I was just paranoid. I continued walking as I looked around. I heard that was something muffled, I just ignored it when my mind might just be playing tricks on me. My legs were still fine even when I walked far away so I just pressed forward.

The more I was climbing the more the voice became stronger. I sighed thinking I was seriously losing my mind and looked to my right...there was someone there tied to a tree and she was looking at me. I rubbed my eyes when it felt like I was hallucinating and looked again, it seems real. She had a blonde hair and I noticed her tails to her side wich was also tied to the tree. Her mouth was covered with a cloth and she was biting on it, that made me notice her fangs along with some sort of whiskers on the side of her cheek. Those ears also twitched before they looked at me. Her clothes were light blue jeans and a light brown shirt making me confused.

I looked at her in the eyes and she did the same...anyway since this doesn't concern me I'll be in my way. I looked towards my destination and started walking but I heard her muffled scream along with her body flailing. I sighed and walked to where she was. I was careful not to harm any of the shrubs but the grass covering the ground was something I had no choice but to step on it. The first thing I removed was the cloth that covered her mouth and I noticed it was nearly drenched in saliva especially the place she bit. I threw it away and looked at her when she closed her mouth and started to stretch her lower jaw. She sighed and looked back at me with a smile.

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