New Job

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<Evelynn's Point of View>

This person is too mysterious, was he a soldier fighting back PTSD or something? I sighed when I heard what the officer told us and...its really strange to the point I want to dig up the information myself. Someone with such caliber could easily get tons of money if his skills are acknowledged in a bodyguarding company or even something close. Another thing I really wanted to know was how the hell did Ahri get him to help us. Well he doesn't seem that bad but it's really worrying me.

He's dangerous, that's it. Why did he write a will? Was it his or not? I smacked my lips when my mind was slowly gathering more questions and that seems to have taken Akali's attention. I noticed her turn her head to look at me through the corner of my eyes so I faced her with a small smile.

"The hell are you thinking about?" the little ninja asked as she raised an eyebrow. I just chuckled and looked at the officers who were busy observing Y/N and Ahri, come to think of it what are they doing.

I looked at where they were and Akali along with Kai'sa looked at the scene. Y/N was sitting on a chair and was being examined by Ahri, the cloth he used to patch up his wound from a while ago also got removed and it seems like his injury stopped bleeding. My lips curled up slightly when looking at the fox acting like a mother, damn, now I really want to know what got into Ahri's mind.

"Look at those two," Kai'sa said and felt like she was about to squeal, well I do feel why when Ahri looks like she was interested in him so yeah. She was looking for any injuries she could find from Y/N's body beside the stab and the bullet Y/N recieved.

I notice Y/N sighing as his right arm was holding a needle along with a thin thread and was just stitching himself up. Urgh, it felt like I was the one experiencing that making me shiver just from the thought of feeling my skin being pierced by a needle.

"Ugh, don't they like, need someone experienced for that?" Akali asked, looks like someone's on the same boat. Akali was looking at it to the point she had squint but I bet she didn't do it to see it better, instead it was just her body reacting to seeing something painful.

"Well, I do think he knows how to," Kai'sa said as she looked at us. We looked at Ahri who squatted down just to see the injury upclose, we really couldn't see it that well since we're a little far away.

Ahri turned to look at us and gestured her left arm for us to go there. I looked at the others and they seem to be drawn to it so I just took the lead and went there when they seem anxious to go there first. I noticed Kai'sa followed me and so did Akali so we walked while trying to avoid all the wounded that was lying on the ground.

"I mean look at this!" Ahri said with a tone as if she witnessed a miracle. I just chuckled and saw Y/N was still trying to tie the end of the thread, I took this chance to see him upclose and well, he got the looks. Ahem, anyway Y/N's injury was closed but I was a little worried about the one on his back since I bet he can't stitch it. The blade did go through and won't he need to stitch his insides as well if there was any damage to it?

"It does look like it was done by a professional," Kai'sa said as she looked at it closely, Akali squatted down in front of Ahri and started touching the skin beside the wound carefully. I don't know what got to her mind but she was slowly pressing the skin to check out if the thread would really hold the wound.

Kai'sa immediately slapped Akali's shoulder lightly making Akali stop. Y/N took a deep breath and I immediately got the idea it might have hurt so I also placed my arm on top of Akali's shoulder.

"Don't stretch it too much, it might bleed again," Ahri said and Akali removed her arms.

"I'll go get someone to stitch the one behind you," Ahri said and Y/N nodded, Kai'sa giggled as Ahri stood up and went with her. I looked at Y/N who placed his right arm beside and sighed deep, we turned to see why when me and Akali looked at Kai'sa and Ahri leave.

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