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"Behind me lies a farm. I wonder if there is bread above the hearth...and if I will ever return,"
<Ahri's Point of View>

Y/N seems a little nervous at the beginning of the movie but soon calmed down as we watched. I thought it might trigger something traumatic but it seems like it wasn't the case when he watched it quietly...too quiet in fact. Kai'sa picked 47 Ronin and it made me a little anxious about it, the movie was great but after it was done, Y/N excused himself and went back to his room.

We didn't mind it but I still had this worrying feeling in the back of my head, I tried to ignore it while Evelynn picked up some movie to watch. She did and it was from the romance genre making me groan a little while Evelynn chuckled at my reaction. They all did making me wonder why but I just let it be when the mood was a little better. Wait what time is it anyway, ah who cares.

"Maybe this could teach you a thing or two," Evelynn said.

"Huh? Wait what do you mean?" I asked when her eyes were clearly targeting me.

"For a pretty girl like you who cooped up herself, it's creepy why you don't have any boyfriend at this age," Evelynn said making me pout when I didn't need one.

"It's just a waste of time! I'd rather go back to my room and clean it rather than have one!" I retorted to which they giggled in response. Kai'sa hugged me with her arms and leaned her head on my shoulders before sighing.

"No seriously Eve got like...5?" Kai'sa asked as she peeked at Evelynn who raised her eyebrows with a shrug.

"Akali had 2 before she broke up with them and I got like," Kai'sa said and started counting with her fingers making me groan in disgust when the whole concept was just not something I want to talk about.

"Ugh, no thanks," I said but Kai'sa just giggled.

"Come on, maybe you and...Y/N could y'know~," Kai'sa teased as she smiled, I sighed when I know our relationship wasn't like that.

"Bokkie, first of all I bet he's not interested in something like that," I replied but she just rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Aight, but I'm sure time will tell," Kai'sa replied. I chuckled and we all went back to watching.

<Y/N's Point of View>

Though the movie was fine, it was something I don't want to get addicted to. I looked at the time on the screen and saw the bloody time, 4 hours...4 goddamn hours and I did nothing but watch. Well, the others did make it a little interesting just by being there, it felt much more better and even interesting when they all guessed the plots and such.

I laid down on my bed and decided to get some rest, the bruise from the bullet was still aching lightly so I guess I need some sleep for me to recover. This day was different than the days before and I could say...I was glad to be here despite all the doubts. I chuckled to myself when none of that regretful feeling came to me after saying that, with that I finally slept.


I opened my eyes slowly when my body began to wake up. I turned to the clock I brought with me from the apartment and noticed I only slept 4 hours when it was only 3 in the morning. It all went by like a blink when I didn't have any dreams but I won't complain, that was much more better than having nightmares. It's quiet...the girls might be sleeping by now. The faint white light coming from the moons shone outside the window, in the process it made me see the arsenals resting on the wall. I smiled when it felt like this might be the only time I got for myself.

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