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I'm the first one at the ice cream shop, which isn't surprising

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I'm the first one at the ice cream shop, which isn't surprising. My anxiety about hanging out with Erika made me leave my house extra early today. I know that isn't a good thing, but at least I'm on time this time around. Lately, I've been late to different activities, and that makes me feel like a horrible person because I care about these people, and I should be there for them without being late to everything.

After buying myself a cup of cake flavored ice cream, I find a seat outside since the sun is shining and a soft breeze scatters the humidity in the air. Setting my bag full of my museum information and computer down on the table, I slide into the metal chair, grimacing when the metal burns the bottoms of my legs. I shoot a quick glare up to the sun, nearly blinding myself in the process. That was a mistake on my part, but I'm not exactly happy right now. I'm not angry, but I'm not happy, either. I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I don't feel like myself. 

I pull my phone out of my bag, turning it on. Charlotte texted me that she was just leaving Junk N' Stuff and will be here soon. Erika hasn't texted me anything yet, and I sigh in relief. I get that we're supposed to be friends and all, but I never feel like myself around her. Maybe that's why I invited Charlotte to help with whatever is going on. Besides, Charlotte's the smartest person I know, and she can definitely help us figure this hacking stuff out.

I text Charlotte back and notice that I have another text from Henry. All he says is that they're actively searching for leads on Dr. Guinevere. Good. I'm glad that Ray finally listened to us. It probably helped that I yelled at him to do this because it's personal now. Hopefully, they're able to find a lead on this woman so they can stop her from breaking couples up. Unless they find something about her that proves that she's a normal therapist. Then that would ruin everything.

When did I ever care about other people's relationships, though? All the relationships my friends and sisters have had weren't ever the greatest. Molly's baby daddy decided to dip out when they found out she was pregnant with Vera. Jenny's boyfriend was a rich Chad that wasn't really there ever. Gil is alright, but he's so antisocial that it's concerning. Anyone Fiona chooses would probably be terrible people based on her own bad attitude. And Mitch Bilsky wasn't a very good choice on my part. 

But now . . . something has changed. Ever since I started dating Henry, I've become more empathetic towards other couples. I know that we just started dating and all but being around Henry is making me see different point of views. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, honestly.

Sitting there underneath the hot spring sun, feeling how the metal chair is digging into my legs, tasting the cold ice cream on my lips doesn't prepare me for the most intense internal whiplash I have ever felt. I always swore that I would never, ever change when I dated someone. I'm secure enough in myself that I never thought I needed to change. So, what's happening to me now? 

I freeze in my seat, the feeling of fear traveling through my body. People who care about other people get hurt. I've seen that many times before, and I don't want that to happen to me. Again. I'm tired of being let down, of being hurt by people that I care about the most. It's easier to not care, but what if that's not what I want to do anymore? 

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