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The house is nearly silent as I creep out of my room for the first time today, Erika close by my side

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The house is nearly silent as I creep out of my room for the first time today, Erika close by my side. It's very late in the morning, and we accidentally slept in way too late after staying up all night for a sleepover. The only noise I hear is coming from Fiona's room, and it's not blasting like it usually does. Instead, it's soft, so I slow to a stop, pressing a finger to my lips. Erika nods once, and I grin at her. Wrapping my hand around the doorknob, I slowly turn it and open the door. 

Peeking inside the room, I see Fiona laying on her bed in the dark, her computer perched on her lap. She's typing away at something and is focused on it, so she doesn't notice the slight light creeping into her room from the hallway. I quickly but quietly shut the door and turned toward Erika. "I'm going to scare her," I say seriously, nodding. 

"Um, you just got back on her good side," Erika says a little too loudly for me. I glare at her, and she blinks at me, crossing her arms over her chest. I ignore the look on her face. "I wouldn't do it if I were you. Laurel, you of all people should know how grumpy she gets when she gets scared."

I sigh, but I don't fight against her this time. She's right, of course. There's still a little bit of anger deep inside of me that I still want to use against my sisters for a lot of things, but I should give them grace now. Our fights these past few months were partly my fault anyway, and I don't want to start another one just because I want to make myself laugh. 

"Okay," I say with a sigh, "but I'm going to say hi to her."

"That's a better plan."

I roll my eyes at her and turn back to Fiona's door. Pushing it open, I take a step inside and nearly trip over something sitting right in front of her door. I catch myself on the door itself and flip the lights on. Fiona groans loudly as I stare at a pair of my boots sitting on the floor, looking so innocent in the bright fluorescent light like they weren't stolen by my sister. 

"Laurel, turn the lights off!" Fiona says loudly. I glance up at her to see her hands over her eyes like she can't stand the light. I nearly laugh at her, but I hold that inside. "It's too bright!"

Stepping over the pair of boots, I march over to her blinds and throw them open, allowing the beautiful morning light to shine into her room. She lets out a scream, and I turn toward her, laughing at her small form cowering under her covers. "Are you secretly a vampire?"

"Yes, now leave me alone."

"What if I want to be with my favorite younger sister?" I walk over to her bed and sit down on the edge, pulling the top of her covers away from her head. Fiona's black hair frizzes up, and she sticks her tongue out at me. I'm glad she doesn't look angry with me. "Come on, Fiona. Don't you want to hang out with me?"

"I'd rather hang out with Erika, but thanks for offering," she says, grinning at me. I can hear Erika laughing behind me, and I shake my head at her, a small smile on my face. "Okay, Laurel, I do want you to leave now. I'm working on something."

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