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I glance around the history classroom, a frown on my face

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I glance around the history classroom, a frown on my face. There is two minutes until the class starts, but Henry or Jasper aren't here yet. Usually, they're one of the first ones here with me, but that's another story today because they aren't here. Pulling my phone out from underneath my leg, I don't see a text from anyone in the group chat, which is worrisome. Knowing Ray, he pulled them out of school to go on a mission. Why not me, though?

A dark thought runs through my head. Am I really an important part of the team? The only thing I do is take photos of Ray and Henry as their respective superheroes and post on their social media sites. That's it. They really don't need me as long as they take photos of their fights with criminals. I don't even need to be there, and that's the thought that sends icy shards into my heart. If I'm not needed, then why am I even working for them? Why do I even think that I belong there?

The bell rings loudly, making me jump in my seat. My phone clatters down on the desk as loudly as it can, and I can feel the people around me looking at me, crazy Laurel with the knocked up sister, messed up friendships, and sweetest boyfriend. My cheeks heat up as I grab my phone, tucking it under my leg again. The teacher walks in front of the class, calling out the names of my classmates for rollcall. I shakily raise my hand when she calls my name, and then I sink lower in my seat. I don't want people to look at me any longer. 

Usually, I don't have horrible realizations at two o'clock in the afternoon on a random Tuesday. I don't even make realizations most of the time, but after being in this relationship with Henry, everything has changed. I never wanted to change the way I am. Ever. I thought I was the best person in the world, but I'm not. I know I'm not now. There's a reason why many people don't like me, and it's not because I'm a nice person. It's because I'm selfish and rude and spiteful.

My history teacher drones on and on about who knows what. My mind isn't here at school, though. It's with Henry, wherever he is, whoever he's with. And then my phone buzzes underneath my leg. I swear the teacher can hear it, and I even see her look my way for a split second. I don't grab it until she's looking at the whiteboard in front of her, scribbling about whatever is going on in our lesson. 

Speaking of Henry, he's the reason why my phone buzzed. He texted me, only saying the word beep three times, which means that there's an emergency at work. That's his way of telling me that he's out on a mission with Ray, letting me know that he's at least safe for the time being. Sometimes, I meet him when he's on a mission to take pictures and make sure he's okay, but at times like this, I don't. I can't miss school because my parents will kill me. 

My phone buzzes in my hands again, and another text pops up on my screen. Henry wants me to call him. That either means something terrible happened or something good happened. I can't stop thinking about him and how he's probably on the side of the road, dying. My heart starts racing in my chest as my other hand shoots up without me even thinking about it. The teacher looks at me as I discreetly shut my phone off and tuck it into my pants pocket. 

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