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I don't know why I'm so nervous

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I don't know why I'm so nervous. But my heart is thudding against my chest, creating a beat to the ache forming behind both my eyes. Sweat rolls down my back even though a slightly chilly breeze blows through the open windows of Henry's house, ruffling through my hair that I left down today. Every time I look down at my phone in my hands, I see it quivering. There's something wrong with me, and I think it's because all three of my worlds are colliding together.

Henry's pulling out all these board games from the most random places in his house that I have no clue how to play while Charlotte and Piper and, surprisingly, Fiona chat softly together about something that I'm barely listening to. Jasper tries to talk to Gil about the buckets he used to collect when he was younger, but Gil doesn't even bother looking at him. Erika sits to my left on the couch, scrolling through her phone like she has nothing better to do. My new friends, my old friends, and my sister are all together in one place. I feel like I'm going to explode.

Why did I even invite Erika and Gil to our game day? It's not like they are friends with Jasper, Charlotte, and Henry. I know that I felt bad for Erika and how I've been avoiding her, but this is awful. That's mean of me to think, but I couldn't help it. Combining my three worlds together was the worst decision I ever made, and I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life, like dating Mitch Bilsky. 

And then I immediately feel bad. I promised myself that I would be nicer to Erika because she's been my friend longer than these other people have. She knew me when no one else did, and she was there when Jenny left us both. I need to be a better friend to her. I can't ghost her like Jenny did. I'm not going to be that person, ever. 

Scrubbing a hand across my face, I let out a quiet sigh. I can feel someone looking at me, and I glance up, catching Fiona's eyes. Surprisingly, there's a worried look painted across her pretty face. She's never been worried about me. At least, I never know when she's worried about me. She mouths something to me, but I shake my head once. I don't want to talk about my feelings right now, especially not with her. Fiona would make fun of me if I told her how I was feeling. 

I'm surprised that she's talking to me. I was a little mean to her when she made fun of me after Henry and I kissed. She ignored me for a day, but then she came around like she normally does when we fight. That doesn't mean that we talk every day, but it's better than nothing. Molly has been avoiding me, so Fiona has been our intermediary. I get that I was a little harsh on Molly, but she interrupted an intimate moment between Henry and me. Mom and Dad haven't interfered yet, which is also weird. 

That whole situation is weird and uncomfortable. It's hard enough watching Vera for Molly because she doesn't talk to me. Molly and I have always been best friends for as long as I can remember. She's the one I would always go to whenever I was angry with Fiona. Her and I have rarely fought. I think that's why it hurts me so much because I have so much I want to ask her about being a girlfriend and being a student and being an employee all at the same time. But I can't. I can't talk to her.

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