#2 Calvary Captain Kaeya Alberich

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Stepping out of the room Jean had assigned to you for the night, you went outside the Knight's headquarters, clad in pajamas you had received from the acting grandmaster herself, the cool breeze making you sigh, reminiscent of how you'd be checking if anyone was asleep by now before doing your late night artifact or talent material grinding for some of your characters.

You left the headquarters and went towards the benches out in front, walking to the back gate of the city as you enjoyed the cool evening breeze, pushing stray strands of hair away from your face.

Just as you got there, your eyes widened in shock at the sight of several large pyro slimes hopping around a child NPC who stood near the docks. You closed your eyes and tried to summon your Widsith, but then shook your head and dashed straight for the boy, drawing the slimes' attention to yourself “Hey! Get back into the city, now!”

As soon as the child had left the area, you kicked one of the smaller slimes lightly, sending it into the lake where it vaporized.

One of the large slimes shot a fireball at you which you very narrowly managed to dodge, tripping and falling right beside the smallest one. Panicking, you hurriedly grabbed it and tossed it into Cedar lake, blowing on your hand as it had almost burned you.

The mother of the slime immediately increased in size, heat wafting off of it. You scrambled backwards on your behind, your back coming into contact with one of the trees by the city wall.

“Oh, come on!” you barely had time to shift to your knees when the slime launched a giant fireball at you. You raised your hands to shield your face, wondering what kind of stupidity led you to this decision.

Fortunately, the fireball never landed. But who on earth was fast enough to save you? You cracked your eyes open to catch sight of the one and only Calvary Captain Kaeya Alberich using the hilt of his sword to knock the last slime into the lake, his vision glowing slightly.

Holy hell! Kaeya can't see me looking so disheveled.... I can't let him see me this way! And not in my-’

“Cute Pajamas..... I haven't seen you around Mondstadt before. What's your name, little lady?” he held out a hand to you, helping you up. You blinked at how cheery he seemed to be this evening..... He always came off as the comported and only teasing at certain moments type....

Pulling you closer, he chuckled “Cat got your tongue, Princess? I asked for your name” warmth made it to your cheeks as you responded “It's (Name)....”

“(Name), huh? You don't hear that around these parts often. Where you from?” he gave you a little spin and let you stand on your own, the close proximity over before you had the chance to adjust to it.

“Oh, I um.... I'm just passing through Mondstadt, as a traveler..... That is” You mumbled, your eyes avoiding his uncovered one.

He chuckled lightly, dipping his head so he could watch your expression properly “A traveler, you say..? I did realize that and I'm glad you shed more light on the situation, but that's not the answer to the question I asked you. I asked you where you're from”

You blinked before trying not to avert your eyes again when you answered “Well..... You don't know where I'm from, I'm from another world, one that doesn't operate like this one”

“I see, this sounds rather interesting and makes me curious as to what you mean, but..... very well then. We might as well finish this conversation tomorrow, It's rather late and I wouldn't want to keep you from getting your beauty sleep; where do you stay? Let me walk you to your home”

Your eyes flitted away again as you wondered if it would be a good idea to let him know that you were joining the Knights of Favonius officially tomorrow, then waved the thought away, deciding it might cause some trouble.

“Oh no, I'm fine going back on my own. I left my catalyst back in the..... In my room, that's why I couldn't really hurt those slimes. A walk back there won't hurt-”

Kaeya cocked his head "You're a vision wielder? What element?" You inwardly cursed yourself for giving him a little too much information before you responded “Um, yes. I have a vision and it's a Cryo one, like yours”

Smirking, the calvary captain peered down at you in curiosity “If you don't mind me asking, why leave your house without your vision? You've now experienced one of the strange surprises lurking around the city at night especially. Hopefully, you won't forget to bring it with you next time you decide to take a walk late at night”

‘One? Does that mean there are more?’ You rid yourself of the thoughts before offering him a small smile and walking back into the city, stopping by the adventurer's guild to make inquiries on how to officially join their ranks, since you needed a second source of income if you were going to build a perfect team for boss fighting.

You slipped into the Knights' headquarters, mindful of watching eyes and headed to your room, wondering exactly how you were going to think up or create your own skill set, ideal party and even elemental skill and burst.

Groaning you tossed yourself onto the bed, your eyes meeting the grimoire that lay beside you. You immediately decided that slacking off would not be helpful to you at the moment, so you got to work.

You locked your Widsith in the wardrobe then tried to harness Cryo on your own, your hands opening in front of you as frost climbed the skin of your wrists. Closing your eyes, you mumbled “Cecilia” , willing the ice to take the shape of the Mondstadt grown flower.

Opening your eyes, you were met with the frost on your palms transforming into a Cecilia bud, then blooming. Your eyes widened slightly and you smiled.

If you could do this much on your own, it wouldn't be long until you could build your own set of attack talents.

But before you could even begin farming, you needed to get a fake vision to throw any form of suspicion that Kaeya had off you.

And where on earth could someone get a vision at this point in time? There was only one answer.

That broke ass alcoholic of an Anemo Archon.


Sorry for the slow updates, I have been so busy with my siblings and studying and work that I no longer have time to write apart from the early hours of the morning. By the way, this was not proofread, any mistakes and or errors will be corrected later in the day. If you enjoyed this chapter, click the vote button as many times as you'd want to (☆▽☆) If you didn't, sit tight and wait for the next.

Bye for meow~

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