Act 10: The Other Side:

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*Trigger Warning/Mature Warning: Alcohol is mentioned in this chapter...*

Phineas walked by the girls' rooms before going to meet someone. He stopped when he saw Amelia sitting on the window seal. "Mimi, you okay?" Phineas asked when he heard a sniffle, watching Amelia turn to wipe the tears running down her cheeks. 

"Yeah, Dad." She said when he heard the crack in her voice. 

He did not say anything when he realized Amelia was feeling the same as Caroline. She has always felt that way. This is why she always, before a show, glanced around at the reactions of the crowd. It bothered her. He knew he had to do something to change that. 

Do something to make his girls feel proud, not embarrassed.

He headed to meet Phillip Carlyle, who was waiting on the stairs after his play. "Mr. Carlyle. You produced this play?" Phineas asked when he walked over to Phillip. 

"Yes, I did indeed... Refunds are available at the front box office." Phillip said when he looked up at Phineas. 

"P. T. Barnum." Phineas smiled, extending his hand to a shocked Phillip Carlyle.

"From the circus?"

"Yes. You-- you've been?" Phineas asked him when Phillip took his hand. 

"No... But I have seen the crowds. People leave your shows a great deal happier than when they came in, which is much more than I can say for my play." Phillip sighed when Phineas chuckled at his response. 

"And yet, you have no trouble selling tickets," Phineas said, making Phillip sigh to himself.

"That's because I'm selling virtue..." 

"Can I buy you a drink?" Phineas asked when the two of them headed to the nearby bar. 

They sat in the empty bar, sitting at the bar. "I wanna go after the carriage trade. Present legitimate acts, expand our appeal, go after the snobs." Phineas explained to Phillip. 

"If you only knew how suffocating they are..." Phillip sighed, looking at the counter.

"So, come join the circus. You clearly have a flair for show business." Phineas said, making Phillip look at him in confusion. "Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows." Phineas said when the two of them gulped down their shot drinks.

"Are you serious?" Phillip asked him.

"Mm-hmm." Phineas nodded, thinking about the opportunity to cheer up his daughters. 

"Mr. Barnum, I can't just run off and join the circus." Phillip sighed when he thought about how his parents would disown him if he did. 

"Why not? Sounds thrilling, doesn't it?" Phineas asked, tapping the bar lightly, letting the bartender know to get them another shot. 

"Let's just say that I find it much more comfortable admiring your show from afar." Phillip sighed, trying to avoid the conversation. 

"Comfort, the enemy of progress," Phineas said, popping a peanut into his mouth. 

"Do you understand that just associating with you could cost me my inheritance?" Phillip asked him, not knowing that Phineas had any children, seeing as he did not meet Phineas or his family at the ballet. 

"Oh, it could cost you more than that," Phineas smirked when Phillip turned in his seat to face him. "You'd be risking everything. But, on the other hand, well, you just might find yourself a free man." Phineas said, sliding over the shot glass to Phillip.

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