11: Sleepover

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(Your POV)

I'm heading my way to the Bank that was almost robbed last night. I told Spider-Woman to meet me at the building we were sitting on yesterday so we could try out this teamwork thing. As I land on the roof, I see that she's not around yet.

You: Guess she's on her way...

I approach the same edge I sat on when I was observing the robbers enter the Bank and I saw a piece a paper taped on it.

You: Hmm?

Out of curiosity, I pick up the paper and read it.

You: "I'm not showing up tonight, I have something important to do. Meet me here tomorrow, same time. I'll show up for sure. - Spider-Woman."

(Sigh) Well, guess I'm alone. I was actually looking forward to our partnership. I was about to swing around when suddenly, my phone started to ring. I quickly take it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID.

You: Gwen...

I get excited and answer the call.

You: Hey, what's up?

Gwen: Hi! Are you busy tonight? My parents are out of town, I'd like for you to sleepover.

You: Um...

I stop and think about this. I could either be selfish and not do my duty for tonight, even though there will be nobody to help anybody or stop any crime anywhere. Or, I could stay and do my duty but then lose this opportunity with Gwen.

After a bit of think, I decided, why not? Being selfish once and a while isn't bad. I helped this city a lot, and I've missed a couple nights without doing my duty. I'm sure tonight will be fine.

You: Yeah sure, I'll be over in a bit.

Gwen: Sweet! I can't wait! See you soon!

You: Yeah, later.

I hung up the phone and immediately head home as quick as I can.

(Gwen's POV)

After Y/n arrived to my house, we decided to have another movie night for our sleepover and maybe if we're still awake, we could just go outside and hang out at the park.

We both picked out a movie and this time, we decided to start with my movie since we started with Y/n's last time. I picked out a Romantic-Comedy movie and even though Y/n admitted Romantic movies wasn't his thing, he enjoyed it because it was part comedy.

After my movie, we began watching his. He picked out an action movie and it was getting really entertaining. I didn't notice it but just like last time, I looked at Y/n and he was out cold.

You: Zzz...

Gwen: Again?

I feel like he only has enough energy to watch 1 movie and not the 2nd one, he begins to fall asleep when it begins. I try to focus on the movie but I can't. Y/n's too cute. He has his head turned towards me but his body still straight.

That wasn't until after a few seconds, his body got into a more comfortable position and turned towards me fully. And all of a sudden, his arm slides under my pillow and his other arm stays on his side.


I freak out a bit and blush. This is kinda awesome. I say screw the movie, turn it off and lean in closer to Y/n.

His head is leaning towards me, so I slowly do the same and get closer to Y/n as much as I can without waking him up. I continue to get closer and closer until our foreheads are touching. I smile as I successfully gotten closer to him without waking him up.

I go ahead and raise the blanket up higher on us and close my eyes.

(Your POV)

You: Mmm...

I wake up from my sleep and feel something super warm next to me. I'm holding something unusual. It's not like my average Body Pillow I have at home but it feels like an actual body.

You: Hmm...

I open my eyes slowly and see that I'm cuddling close with Gwen. My arms are wrapped around her waist and she's holding onto my shirt with her face buried in my chest. Immediately my eyes widen and I'm fully awake.

You: !!!

I'm shocked at what's happening right now that it actually made me jump a bit, causing Gwen to react.

Gwen: (Inhales deep)

She makes the noise of someone being disturbed from their sleep and moves around a bit. I close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep as she continues to move. She gets closer to me and buries her face deeper into my chest. With the sound of her loud breathing, I didn't wake her up.

You: (Phew)

I love what's happening right now. Me and my crush, sleeping next to each other, close to one another, this is amazing. I'm way too happy to go back to sleep. All I do is just look around and wait.

After a few minutes of this intense cuddling, Gwen's phone started to ring and it's especially loud.

You: Oh no...

Knowing that it's loud enough to be an alarm clock, Gwen is going to wake up and probably tell me to let her go. As I feel her move around and hear her groaning, she stretches and I pretend to go to sleep quick.

I wait for a moment to pretend to wake up and when she lifts up her head, I start to stretch and groan too.

You: Mmm...

Once I loosen my grip on her, she turns around and picks up her phone from her bedside drawer. She sits up, rubs her eyes, looks at the Caller ID and answers it.

Gwen: Hello... Yeah... Yeah, they're okay, I bought Pizza for them last night... Okay... I will, bye...

She hangs up and puts her phone back on the table. I sit up next to her and rub my eye.

You: Your parents?

Gwen: Yeah, it was my dad.

You: Oh...

I grab my phone that I set aside next to me and look at any notifications I got during my sleep. All of a sudden, Gwen put her head on my should and hugged my arm.

Gwen: You're a cuddly person Y/n, I didn't know that...

You: Yeah, I usually like to hug my pillows when I sleep. Mostly because they're cold and I'm a side sleeper.

Gwen: Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and you had me wrapped up nice and close.

You: Oh...

I turn red from what she said and I know Gwen noticed it by her laughing at me and poking my cheek.

You: I'm sorry.

Gwen: No don't be, you kept me warm.

I smile a bit and she then let's go of me, stretches and stands up.

Gwen: Alright, here's the deal. I'll go pee, then you'll go pee, send you home so you can freshen up but you come back here right after you're done. I'm not done with you just yet, I still want you here.

I laugh a bit and agree with her.

You: Alright, sounds good. I'll actually just go home now, I can hold my pee until I go home.

Gwen: (giggles) Great, well, get out of here and hurry.

You: Yes ma'am.

We both exited her room. She went to the bathroom while I went straight to the exit to go home and freshen up for our day together.

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now