22: Hickeys

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(Gwen's POV)

Gwen: (Sigh) Oh god...

Ever since Spider-Man told me that quote, the only thing on my mind is if Y/n is Spider-Man. I mean, how is that possible? How did I not sense it off from Y/n? If I didn't, then he can't be Spider-Man, right?

Gwen: Ugh...

I walk inside the school and head to my locker. I immediately see Y/n grabbing stuff out of his locker and I think for a minute as I go. Should I go up to him and say that I know he's Spider-Man and I'm Spider-Woman? I mean, if he admits it, then that's good. If he's not, then I just exposed myself to him that I'm Spider-Woman and he might bug me or even worse, tell other people.

I remember about my hickey plan though; Give Spider-Man a hickey and see if Y/n has the same one. That's what I like, that's a good plan right there. So, I go up to my own locker, ignoring Y/n because we're still not on good terms and try to use my Spider Sense on him.

Gwen: Hmm... Nng...

I try my hardest but nothing. If I can't sense him and he can't sense me, then Y/n can't be Spider-Man. After he closed his locker, he went to the cafeteria. I just sighed and continued putting stuff in my locker and taking things out before I also go to the cafeteria.

(Your POV)

Spider-Woman: (suck) (suck) Mmm...

You: Oh geez...

Spider-Woman: (suck) (suck) (suck)

You: Ugh...

Spider-Woman: (suck) mmm....

You: Ah...

At the moment, my girlfriend is sitting on my lap. She lifted up my mask just a bit to see my neck and started sucking on it. I don't know why she's doing this but it's weird and icky. I mean, it's kind of hot but you know, I'm pretty sure giving hickeys is something too soon in our relationship.

Spider-Woman: (super suck)

You: Oh god, okay! Stop!

Spider-Woman: Hmm?

Ghost stops sucking on my neck and looks at me, confused.

Spider-Woman: What?

You: Why are you giving me a hickey in the first place?

Spider-Woman: To mark my territory.

You: Okay... That's hot but you know, you've already marked me by giving me this necklace.

I say as I point down to the necklace she gave me on Valentine's day. She stops, looks at it for a bit, dismisses it and starts examining my neck.

You: Do you seriously need to give me a hickey?

Spider-Woman: Shush! I'm working! Don't make any noise!

She says and kisses a clean spot on my neck before sucking on the same spot. I just sit back, close my eyes and wait until she's done. Once she pulled away, she wiped my neck, looked at it and approved her work.

Spider-Woman: There! Now any girl that sees these hickeys will know that you're taken and won't even bother to get at you.

You: (Sigh) And my parents will freak out too.

Spider-Woman: Still, it's good your marked...

She pulls my mask up a bit to reveal my lip, kisses it and then pulls both of our masks down. She then pulls me close and whispers to my ear.

Spider-Woman: Because I don't like sharing...

She giggles before she gets off of me. We both get up and begin stretching.

Spider-Woman: Alright, now that we got that out of the way, you ready to get going?

You: Hell yeah, let's go kick some butt.

Spider-Woman: Cool! Up up and away!

We both start swinging more into the city to start our duty for tonight.

(Gwen's POV)


I totally forgot I gave Spider-Man the necklace! I could've seen if Y/n was wearing it yesterday! WhY dIdN't I tHiNk Of ThAt?!

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now