21: Quote

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(Gwen's POV)

I go home and immediately pace around my room. I'm freaking the freak out right now!

Gwen: Oh no, oh god, oh crap! This can't be happening, it's not real! He can't be him! Is he?!

There's no way! My boyfriend, Spider-Man, Dark Spider, he's also...

(A few hours ago)

Me and Y/n haven't talked since that day we fought. I sometimes check my messages to see if he texted me, apologizing that he made a mistake, only for me to accept it but then apologize for finding someone else. I mean, if he wants to be friends again, that's great! It's awkward when we would be at the table together and we don't talk, but I can't date him, not anymore. Because I have Spider-Man.

Last night was fun. Even though I was shivering for a portion of that night, his warmth and presence made it awesome. After we woke up, we dismantled our tent, flattened the mistress and once we packed up everything, we went home and decided to meet back at our usual time, 6:00pm.

I took back the Pillows and Blankets. He folded the tent and mattress back into their original shape and took it home with him. And we just threw away the leftover pizza. We didn't exchanged phone numbers or social medias, we still wanted to be anonymous to each other. I had the idea of just making a different account on one of our social media apps and just texting each other there, but I haven't brought it up with him yet.

Anyway, once it was 6:00pm, we met up at our roof and after a bit of kissing and hugging, we went out to fight crime.

We spotted 4 people robbing a jewelry store and when there's more than 2 people, we come up with a plan. Once we got our plan of attack, we executed it and just in 10 seconds, we stopped them and webbed them up easily. After we swung away, we heard sirens and we both landed on a rooftop just to talk a bit.

Gwen: Geez, what the heck was that?

Spider-Man: Huh?

Gwen: I'm talking about the robbers! I mean, I thought they were gonna have guns or something, but no, only knives!

Spider-Man: Yeah, they were ridiculously ridiculous. I mean, I knew it was going to be easy when I saw them go inside. I was almost going to tell you that we didn't need a plan.

Gwen: Oh yeah?

Spider-Man: Yup! They looked disappointing and they were disappointing.

Gwen: You said it.

Spider-Man: Like I always say; Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed.

Gwen: Wait... w-what...

I stop in my tracks. That's something Y/n has said to me.


You: Honestly, I was already thinking that it was going to be disappointing before we even went inside.

Gwen: Really? Why?

You: Well, it just looked disappointing. You know what I like to say to others?

Gwen: What?

You: Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed.

(End Flashback)

I turn to Dark and go up to him.

Gwen: What did... you say?

Spider-Man: Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed?

Gwen: Is that like, a famous quote or something by someone?

Spider-Man: Uh... Not that I know of? Maybe, maybe not? I mean, I made it up and I hope I didn't copy off of someone. Why, does it sound familiar?

Gwen: Y-yeah...

Spider-Man: Oh. Okay then.

There's no way that Y/n is Spider-Man, right? I mean, that's just got to be a coincidence they both have the same quote, right?! My mind is going crazy right now. I want to freak out but I keep my cool. I then see him come up to me, give me a kiss and hold me.

Spider-Man: Wanna go back out now?

Gwen: Uh... Ye-yeah! Let's go Y/- I mean, Dark.

We both head out and continue to fight crime. For most of the time I'm with Spider-Man, I'm just questioning myself if he's Y/n or not.


After our duty tonight, we said our goodbyes, agreed to meet up same time, same place and went home. Now that I'm home, I can focus now. I almost don't think it's real. Is Spider-Man Y/n? Or am I just overthinking it? Did Spider-Man also make that quote, or is Y/n Spider-Man?!

Gwen: Ah! I don't know!

I lie on my bed and just think some more. I can't believe it, when I liked Y/n, I hated Spider-Man. Now that I love Spider-Man, I hate Y/n. Pretty funny how my relationship with Y/n slowly went downhill as my relationship with Spider-Man slowly went uphill. So if Y/n is Spider-Man and Spider-Man is Y/n, I just had a love/hate relationship with the same person.

Gwen: (Sigh)

I think of what I could do to find out if Y/n's actually Spider-Man. Sure, I can question Spider-Man but if it's too much,  he would most likely dismiss my questions to stay anonymous. And it'll be tough to question Y/n. It'll probably be even tougher to go up to him, let alone ask him questions to find out if he's Spider-Man, considering he'll just lie to me to hide his identity.

I think some more and figure out something I could do that might work.

Gwen: (Gasp) Hickies!!!

Since I see Y/n everyday at scho, I could leave a hickey or two on Spider-Man's neck. And if Y/n shows up to school with the same hickies I put on Spider-Man, then that answers my question!

Gwen: Alright... I'm gonna suck the heck out of Spider-Man!

FriEnemies: Spider-Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now