Daycare Disaster

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Or not?

✨with Riley✨

Parents are invited to observe how their kids are doing in class. The parents get to occupy the back of the classroom and watch their kids. Just like a class demo.

Of course, the kids are as excited as their parents. Some kids keep on glancing at the back, checking if their parents came or if they are really watching them. Some kids already felt anxious that their parents are there, watching them. Some are crying and some can't even sit still.

Then there's our little Riley. The model student, for today at least. She sits properly on her spot, independently working on her coloring book like the good student she is. She glance at the back every now and then, smiles at her mommy and mama then eyes back to her craft after.

Jennie can't stop taking pictures of her kid. Who would have thought that little Riley would behave in school like this? Riley who couldn't leave the car without Mommy Rosie of Mama Jennie's kissing hand?

Chaeyoung keeps her cool. She's proud seeing her Riley behave like this. Sometimes she whispers with the other parents who are also proudly watching their kids.

Soon the bell rings for the next activity, the teacher plays a "get ready song" and the kids automatically put away their crayons, markers and papers. They get their little bean bag chairs and made a circle.

The teacher read a story about barnyard animals, they sang a song then introduced the lesson which is "Farm Products". And this is when the kids started to get too smart for the teacher and even for their parents could handle.

"Someone tell me what is this?" The teacher asked the class and showed a picture of a milk.

The kids answered collectively, some even jumped from their seat and screamed their answer. Some screamed like they won a lottery and some softly said their answers and look around like they despise being in the same room as these rowdy 4 year olds.

Some says it's "milk".

Some says "miwlk" with oozing cuteness that made their parents either coos or scowl.

Despite garnering several emotions the teacher is satisfied with the children's answers. She understands that these kids want to show off how active they are to class since their parents are here.

Then the teacher calmed the kids, gave then stickers for answering correctly then time for the next question. And it was quite an entertainment.

"Now, raise your hand and tell me, where do we get milk?" The teacher ask.

A girl with a ponytail raised her hand so fast and the teacher called her name.

"Yes, Yuan-ah?"

"From the fridge!" The little girl shouted with gusto.

The parents at the back can't help but to laugh softly with how witty and cute the girl is. Yuan's parents shyly hid their faces as they chuckle at their child's answer.

"Yes, we get milk from the fridge, Yuan-ah. But before we have milk in our fridge, where do you think we get the milk from?" The teacher asked again after she gave Yuan a sticker, encouraging other kids to raise their hands to answer.

"Andy, yes?" The teacher called another student.

"Baby, make mama proud" Doyeon told her daughter that made the parents laugh. Jennie laughed with the other parents and even hit Doyeon lightly but soon felt a slight sting on her waist and she immediately behaved.

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