Chapter 3: Out There

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Frollo looked down at them sinisterly. Quasimodo backed away from him nervously as (Y/n) let out a quiet gasp.

"Oh, g-good m-morning, Master." Quasimodo stuttered.

"Dear boy, whomever are you talking to?" Frollo asked.

"My...friends." He answered quietly.

"I see. And what are your friends made of, Quasimodo?" Frollo knocked on Hugo's head.

"Stone." He replied sheepishly.

Frollo lifted Quasimodo's head.

"Can stone talk?"

"No, it can't."

"That's right. You're a smart lad."

(Y/n) quickly rushed forward standing next to Quasimodo.

"Ah, (Y/n). How are you dear girl?"

"I-I'm fine, Master Frollo. H-How are you?"

"Very well, thank you dear." Frollo smiled at her.

He went over and sat at a table, and placed a basket down on the ground.

"Now, lunch."

Quasimodo and (Y/n) rushed away to grab dishes and set the table. (Y/n) and Quasimodo got wooden plates and cups while Frollo got much nicer ones.

"Shall we review your alphabet today?" Frollo asked.

"Oh, yes Master. We would like that very much." Quasimodo said.

"Very well. (Y/n), you can start this time." He told her, as he poured all three of them wine. "'A'?"

"Abomination." She answered.

"Excellent. Quasimodo, 'B'?"

"Blasphemy." Quasimodo said.






"Eternal Damnation."

"Good. "'F'?"

"Festival." Quasimodo said without thinking.

(Y/n) tensed up and kicked Quasimodo's foot under the table.

Frollo spit his wine out. "Excuse me?"

"F-Forgiveness." He corrected.

"You said, 'festival.'"

"No!" Quasimodo countered.

"You two are thinking about going to the Festival?" Frollo stood up and made his way down the stairs, Quasimodo and (Y/n) followed him.

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