Chapter 4: The Arrival of the Captain

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Down in the city, a man with blonde hair and a beard was walking through the streets next to his white horse holding a map and looking confused.

"Hmm. Uh-uh." He crumbled the map up in frustration.

"You leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything."

Just then, two soldiers walked past the man and he tried to get there attention.

"Excuse me gentlemen, I'm looking for the Palace of Justice. Would you..." they walked away before he could finish. "Mmm. I guess not."

As the man walked along the street, further up ahead, some gypsies were performing for money. A little girl saw them and started to run up to them, but her mother pulled her away.

"Stay away child. They're gypsies. They'll steal us blind."

One gypsy man was playing an instrument, while another was playing the tambourine while his goat danced around the hat they used for money.

They gypsy playing the tambourine has dark black hair, and and beautiful emerald green eyes. He wore purple pants, a white shirt that exposed some of his chest area, and no shoes.

As the man with the horse passed them, he tossed some coins in the hat. The dark haired man smiled at the blonde man gratefully.

Above them, a little boy whistled, signaling that guards were coming. The gypsy man gasped and the goat picked up the hat that had the coins in it, but they fell out as he ran.

The gypsy man tried to pick them up, but two guards stepped in front of him, and he glared up at them.

"Alright gypsy. Where'd ya get the money?" One guard demanded, grabbing the hat.

"For your information, I earned it." He snapped.

"Gypsy's don't earn money. They steal it." The other guard sneered, grabbing the man's shoulders.

"You'd know a lot about stealing." The gypsy spat,

"Troublemaker eh?"

"Maybe a day in the stocks will cool ya down."

The gypsy man kicked one guard in the face, and his goat rammed the other in the stomach and they both ran off.

"Come back here gypsy!"

The guards tried to run after him, but the blonde man moved his horse in front of them and they rammed into him. One guard fell into a mud puddle.

"Achilles, sit." He told his horse.

His horse sat on the man pushing him back into the mud puddle.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry." He fake apologized. "Naughty horse, naughty. He's just impossible. Really, I can't take him anywhere."

"Get this thing off me!" The soldier whined.

"I'll teach you a lesson, peasant!" The other guard bellowed and he drew his sword.

The man pulled out his own sword revealing his armor. "You we're saying, Lieutenant?"

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