Chapter 15: The End

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Esmeraldo was looking down at the scene from the balcony and smiled at the victory they had won. He rushed back inside to tell (Y/n).

"(Y/n)! We did it! We won!"

He knelt by her side and grasped her hand, but she didn't move.

"(Y/n)? Little dove?" Esmeraldo's smile fell as she still hadn't moved. "No..." he whispered, clutching tighter to her hand.

Quasimodo burst into the room with excitement. "We've done it, (Y/n)! We've beaten them back! Come and see."

Quasimodo looked over at (Y/n), who still hadn't moved, and Esmeraldo's teary eyes.

"(Y/n), wake up. You're safe now." Quasimodo nudged her cheek and felt her hair. "(Y/n)?"

Quasimodo looked at Esmeraldo who shook his head.

"Oh no."

Quasimodo grabbed a spoon and scooped some water on it. Esmeraldo held her head up and Quasimodo poured the water over her mouth, but she didn't drink it.

"Oh no."

Quasimodo picked up (Y/n) and held her to his chest and sobbed into her hair.

"No, you can't be gone. Don't leave me. Please."

He lowered her back down and Esmeraldo kissed her forehead.

"I never got to tell her that I loved her."

Quasimodo wrapped an arm around Esmeraldo and they both cried over (Y/n)'s death.

Neither of them noticed Frollo quietly open the door. He made his way over to them and placed his hand on Quasimodo's hunchback.

"You killed her." Quasimodo whispered.

"It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you will forgive me." Frollo said.

Esmeraldo glared at him.

"There, there Quasimodo. I know it hurts. But now the time has end your suffering...forever." Frollo brought a dagger out from behind his back and raised it to stab Quasimodo.

"Quasi, look out!" Esmeraldo warned.

Quasimodo looked up and saw Frollo about to strike him. Frollo brought the dagger down, but Quasimodo was able to grab his arm and throw him to the ground.

"Now, now, listen to me, Quasimodo." Frollo said fearfully as Quasimodo approached him with the dagger.

"No, you listen! All my life, you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!"

Quasimodo threw the dagger to the ground, when someone coughed behind him.


"(Y/n)!" Esmeraldo and Quasimodo exclaimed as they both rushed over and hugged her.

"She lives." Frollo seethed, pulling out a sword.

Hunchback of Notre Dame Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora