Chapter 7: Magnificent Prison

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The soldiers were still on the lookout for Esmeraldo. An old man with a cane and a pipe wearing a cloak hobbled through the crowd but tuned around when he saw soldiers approaching. The man walked past Phoebus who looked at him suspiciously as he entered Notre Dame.


The old man turned out to be Esmeraldo and his goat in disguise. He removed the cloak and looked up in awe at the massive cathedral.

He walked further inside and paused when he heard someone humming. He followed the sound and peered around one of the pillars and his eyes brightened when he saw (Y/n) lighting some of the candles.

His goat nudged his legs and gestured for him to go talk to her. Esmeraldo smirked and fixed his hair before he slowly approached her. "Ah, we meet again I see." He commented.

(Y/n) let out a startled gasp and spun around to see him standing there.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you, little dove."

"I-It's alright." She said quietly.

"You don't have to be so shy around me. I don't bite." He winked.

"I-I know."

Esmeraldo's goat trotted up to her and started rubbing against her legs. She giggled and reached down to pet him.

"Hey there little guy." She cooed, scratching under his chin.

"Huh. Djali isn't usually fond of strangers. He must really like you."

(Y/n) hummed and paused before speaking again. "Thank you."

Esmeraldo rose a brow.

"For helping my brother. That was very kind of you."

He gave her an apologetic look."I'm sorry that happened. I never would have pulled him on stage..."

"It's alright. It's not your fault the world is so cruel." She looked down sadly.

Esmeraldo was about to tell her that not all the world was like that, when he noticed Phoebus creeping up behind her. The Captain was about to tap on her shoulder, but Esmeraldo pushed the girl behind him and grabbed Phoebus's sword, and threw him to the ground.

"Get away from her, you!"

"Easy, easy. I-I-I just shaved this morning." Phoebus told him.

"Oh, really? You missed a spot." Esmeraldo mocked.

"Alright, alright. Just calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize." Phoebus pleaded.

"For what?" Esmeraldo snarled.

Phoebus grabbed the sword and tripped Esmeraldo so he fell on the ground.

"That, for example."

"You sneaky son of a-!"

"Ah, Ah, Ah. Watch it. You're in a church." Pheobus reminded him.

Suddenly, Phoebus quickly pulled his sword up to block a tall candelabra that (Y/n) had swung at him.

"G-Go away." She told him.

"Ah, hello. I remember you. You're quite the little dancer." Phoebus smirked.

"Are all soldiers this charming, or are we just lucky?" She asked sarcastically.

(Y/n) swung the candelabra again and again, with Phoebus blocking her attacks.

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