Chapter 5: The Festival of Fools

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Quasimodo and (Y/n) were wearing cloaks to hide their faces and climbed down the sides of the church, onto a lower level, and looked down at the crowd of people.

🎵Chorus: "Come one, come all! Leave your looms and milking stools, coop the hens and pen the mules."🎵

The two looked up and saw Hugo, Victor, and Laverne waving them off. (Y/n) and Quasimodo looked at each other and smiled excitedly.

🎵Chorus: "Come one, come all! Close the churches and the schools. It's the day for breaking rules."🎵

Quasimodo and (Y/n) slid down a banner and landed against a pole, looking at the scene. Unfortunately, the rope holding the banner untied and they swung into the crowd.

🎵Chorus: "Come and join the Feast of..."🎵

🎵Clopin: "Fools!"🎵

Clopin slid in front of the crowd and (Y/n) and Quasimodo. Colorful confetti sprayed everywhere and everything turned colorful. The two tried to duck back into the crowd, but Clopin grabbed Quasimodo's arm and started swinging around with him.

🎵Clopin: "One a year we throw a party here in town."🎵

He released Quasimodo and took (Y/n)'s hand and twirled her around before jumping onto a flagpole.

🎵Clopin: "Once a year we turn all Paris upside down!"🎵

Someone with a king mask appeared in the crowd, and turned into a clown costume.

🎵Clopin: "Every man's a King and every King's a clown. Once again it's Topsy-Turvy Day."🎵

Quasimodo grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and pulled her along to hide, but Clopin spotted them and followed.


Quasimodo and (Y/n) hid behind some devil shaped balloons.

🎵Clopin: "It's a day the Devil in us gets released."🎵

Clopin snipped the strings on the balloon and they floated away, and Quasimodo and (Y/n) tried to hide somewhere else.


Quasimodo pulled (Y/n) behind a curtain.

🎵Clopin: "It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest."🎵

A curtain opened in front of them. Turns out, they had hid in a puppet booth.

🎵Clopin: "Everything is Topsy-Turvy at the Feast of Fools."🎵

Clopin pulled out a puppet Frollo that whacked Quasimodo on the head. His other puppet came out and offered (Y/n) a flower, which she took.

🎵Chorus: "Topsy-Turvy!"🎵

Quasimodo and (Y/n) ran out of the booth and saw humans being walked by dogs.

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