3]Who Was she?

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Reader's perspective:
As I lay down to sleep, I contemplated the changes that had taken place in my life. Eventually, I drifted off while hearing faint voices from the Yagami house.

Author's perspective:

The bright sun woke y/n up the next morning, and she got out of bed feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. After showering, she found her new school uniform in the closet and put it on. The uniform consisted of a white shirt, a blue skirt, and a blue tie. Y/n tied her hair in a plait, put on her socks and shoes, and relished the scent of her newly laundered clothes. Wearing fresh clothes and looking presentable made her feel ambitious.

Reader's perspective:After eating breakfast, I stepped out of my house and shut the door behind me. It appeared that the games had already started. I headed towards my new school and saw that it was bustling with new students and their parents wishing them luck. I maneuvered through the crowd, making my way to the classroom, where I took a seat next to a girl who seemed like one of the popular kids.

She was beautiful, but her face was heavily made up with a foundation that was five shades lighter than her neck, and she wore a dark maroon shade of lipstick. It looked extra for a twelve-year-old to me. She was surrounded by a large group of kids who were all gossiping. Just then, the door opened, and He walked in.

Light Yagami.

 He was even more striking in person than he was depicted in "Death Note," with his lovely light-brown hair and brown eyes. Everyone in the class turned to look at him, and I understood why.

Light was the "topper" and the "popular guy" in school. The girl next to me jumped up and screamed in an impatient and high-pitched voice, "OH LIGHT, THERE YOU ARE!" She grabbed his hand, and the other students swarmed around him, chatting excitedly.

He smiled and talked to them, but I saw through his facade. Beneath the smile, there was annoyance and anger. As I looked at him through the crowd, he met my gaze. We locked eyes, and it felt like we were the only two people in the room. The noise and chatter felt non-existent the longer we stared. Light had expected me to feel intimidated and look away, but I didn't. Instead, I looked directly into his brown eyes. I didn't know him, yet, it felt like I did.

Light's perspective:Unlike the immature junior high students that surrounded me, her eyes held the same mature gaze as mine. She saw through my facade like she knew I was putting up a fake front. The annoying girl pulled on my hand, and I became even more irritated. I had tried telling her to give me some space in the past, but she really wouldn't listen. For the sake of my image, I maintained good relations with all of the people I despised. I smiled briefly at her before returning my gaze to the girl from before, but she had disappeared in an instant. She was gone. Now, I had only one question: Who was she?

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя