40]A Case

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"Where, exactly?"A harsh voice interrupted.
L and I followed the voice to an angry Light. Why is this guy always angry at times like this?
L furrowed his brows a bit.
"To eat some shortcake" He replied, unhappy. Light glared at him.
"Well,you rather not go because it's raining heavily " Light demanded crossing his hands.
"So?" L said completely disinterested in the man ahead him.
"So.."Light said darkly.
"I don't want Y/n to go" he said. The whole time he'd been adressing L but now his eyes trailed to me for a second and he went away.
But that second was enough to make me feel a bit wierd. That look on Light's face.
Why did it disappoint me.
"It's ...alright Ryuzaki" I stated.
"We can have shortcake here itself"
I smiled calling Watari over.
"Two strawberry shortcakes please Watari" mumbled L sounding a bit disappointed but still happy.
Watari ran along to bring the cakes as I made my way over to L's desk eyeing the resources closely. He crept up behind me.
"Y/n ..can you ...check this file ?" He asked me. I looked over to the file he was motioning to . We both sat down. I read and observed the text calmy flipping over the pages with my fingers softly. Once I was done I placed the file back onto the desk." And,what do you want to know?"
I questioned L. He looked to the file and then to me. "I want you to solve that case for me Y/n" he said now sitting straighter.
From what I read, the case should be an easy one for L. Is he trying to test me? To get a reaction? Or does he want to see how I respond? It wasn't very clear at the moment. But I continued nevertheless.
"Well,Ryuzaki" I started now getting into it.
"The man in this house was murdered. Thr murderer broke the window to his bedroom and came through from there,killed the man and escaped where he came from. That's what the police would think but,no there's a problem in this theory. The man lived on the Fifth floor. To climb in through the window would be hard as there is no balcony and the walls are flat with no parapet to climb on. This was planned out by the murderer. He wants us to think that he somehow entered through the window so we get caught up in thinking how .
When the answer is right in front of us. The murderer came in through the easiest way,the front door. He went in,killed the man and broke the window putting the pieces of glass on the inside so it looks like someone broke it from outside"
Through my whole explanation, L listened attentively and with interest.
"I'm yet again,impressed Y/n..."
He muttered faintly smiling.
"Your deduction skills astound me"
I smiled at him.
"But who's the murderer then?" Matsuda spoke in thought . The others had been listening to us the whole time.
I smiled.
"Well" I began again.
"Just anyone would say that the murderer was the man's cook as most evidence points to him. He worked in the man's house so he could've gotten duplicate keys made to plan this out. He was working in a flat a floor below in the same apartment while the murder occurred. The owner of the flat said that the cook was making them fried eggs when he suddenly remembered something and went out but reported that he came back and finished cooking before leaving for his house. That would mean one thing. The cook tried to show he was working so he couldn't murderer the man and made an excuse ,murdered him and reported back to not be suspicious. And he had a fresh cut wound on his hand when the police inspected him,he said that he got cut by his knife but the police think otherwise"
Mogi snarled at my answer.
"So it is the cook obviously " he blurted out. "And that's where you all go wrong"
I remarked.
L's eyes followed me with interest and a smile crept up his face.
"The man was found dead with his face distorded. The man was probably murdered with a stick or weapon that could smash his face like that,not a single stab wound or cut. This clears suspicious of the cook's wound. Apart from that,in the flat below ,where the cook worked the owner said he was frying eggs. If the cook were to commit a whole murder with this intricate planning of breaking the glass and arranging the pieaces wouldn't the eggs have burnt till he was back?
But the owner reports having a delicious meal as soon as he returned. "
"So.." muttered Matsuda .
" Who's the murderer "
"Well, it's not the cook but it had to be someone who could easily access the front door. And that would be the man's brother.
He thought he lives far away so we wouldn't suspect him,and also because they both are brothers why would the police suspect his brother right? But there are reasons. The watchman reports the brother came to visit the man the following morning. But did anyone see him leave? No. I assume he was hiding in the house the whole time,under his own brothers nose. He murdered the man and framed the cook. " I finished finally.
I saw Light and the others looking at me with awe. And L looked impressed but he knew I'd be able to solve the case.
"Y/n you just solved a serious murder case in one look" Matsuda exclaimed.
I just smiled in response. Mogi looked at the file questionably though.
"But why did he murder his own brother " he muttered with a hand under his chin. "Hmmmm" I said.
"Well if you closely read the background you'd know that the brother fancied the woman the man was dating"
I mumbled thinking to myself aswell.
"He killed his brother for one woman?" Matsuda joined in the conversation.
"Well as simple as it sounds,as complex it is. He did it for his love" I replied.
Everyone slowly started doing their own work. Only L and I were still on the desk.
"Was everything he did out of love?" L spoke. His voice was asking a question and this time when he asked he didn't know the answer. He was seeking that answer from Y/n.
"Not that I'm promoting it,nor was it the right thing to do. But yes, his love for her led him to do things like this"
I replied.
"But that's insanity. Then again from what I've deduced love seems to be insanity "
L whispered,thumb on his lip.
"You're right love is insanity. But it's not something you can deduce ,Ryuzaki you can understand it once you feel it"
Ryuzaki's heart skipped a beat.
He had began understanding Love,a topic that was foreign to him before he met Y/n.
Does that mean that the feeling he felt when she's around.... Was he in Love with Y/n?
"Here are your strawberry shortcakes"
Said Watari disrupting L's thoughts.

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