51] "Because I care,Y/n"

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Reader's perspective:

As I entered my room I felt a bit uneasy.
What was the meaning of the message displayed from the pendant? Something about the sun and moon.. and the old man mentioned eclipse.... I remembered the strange thing he said before transporting me back...
"𓆩 īⱦ ⱳⱥꞩ ɏꝋᵾ ⱳħꝋ ⱥꞩҟēđ ӻꝋɍ īⱦ𓆪"
What did that mean?
Suddenly I heard thunder rumbling and went towards my window. The sound seemed to be emitting from the sky through the kitchen window which faced an empty ground.
The clouds swirled and formed an opening and from the dark sky a rectangular object fell to the ground and distilled the dust around it. My eyes widened slightly as I caught my breath and ran down the wooden stairs and outside my house threw the back door to the ground. I was quite shocked to say the least. What was this random thing that just fell out of nowhere?
Was it another death note?? I quickend my pace as I finally neared the peculiar object.
I kneeled over, onto the dusty ground.
It was a rectangular box. I could almost call it a chest. It was dark wooden brown with streaks of Light brown. It had rusted but artistic metal borders running along it's sides and corners. And the most eye catching part was right in the center of the box. A lock. It was a hinged metal lock.
I sighed,trailing my finger along the rough borders to the lock but as I had expected, no matter how much I tugged on it the lock wouldn't open. I stared at the keyhole wondering how the hell I was supposed to catch a hold of the key for this chest. I sighed once more picking the dusty box in my arms and walking back home with three c's in my mind ;Content,confused and concerned. I opened my door and wiggled my slippers off going to my room.
Well ,only time would tell if this box is the solution or the problem itself. For now I kept it in my cupboard safely. There it is for now I'll- DING DONG.
I rolled my eyes. Who is it now? I rolled up my sleeves and walked to the front door nudging it open. The door creaked open revealing a man who I was familiar with.
QUITE familiar with. His light brown eyes glistened after meeting mine. Light smiled sweetly at me with the sunlight falling on us . I couldn't help but smile back for some reason. Light wore a light green cap and gripped a bag in his fingers . I moved out of the way so he could walk in and shut the door behind him. "What's that?" I asked looking at the plastic bag in his hands while he removed his cap and put it on the kitchen counter.
He roller up his sleeves and opened my fridge door peering inside as he spoke.
He pulled out the bag and removed the items one by one .
"You're fridge is so empty, take care of yourself properly " he said as my I raised my brow at him.
"First,these strawberries since you love them" he spoke while putting them inside the fridge. "Lettuce ,we haven't had it since a while, cranberry juice because you like it,corn and some brocoli and lastly-" he said pulling out a small container.
"Some strawberry flavoured yogurt ... I figured you'd like it" he said placing it in before closing the fridge. He turned around and looked at me whilst I was just staring at him. I stood for a few more seconds before erupting into laughter. He smiled.
"What!" He laughed. I ruffled his soft hair while we both chuckled. "Why are you doing this anyway?" I muttered while patting his back.
He suddenly pulled me close and stayed there for a moment before sighing into my neck. " Because I care,Y/n" he spoke softly. I suddenly felt calm .
"Thank you Mr caretaker" I joked .
"Sure Y/n " he muttered as he rolled his mesmerizing eyes and chuckled. We had a coversation for some time before I opened the door and Light exited my house.
"Oh , by the way Y/n " Light exclaimed before leaving
" Suho called. He said that there's going to be a crazy party this week and they're all going"
" who's party?" I asked a bit surprised
He shrugged.
"We'll go together " he said
"That's if we're invited ,Light" I chuckled
"Oh come on who wouldn't invite US" he laughing running back to his house before I escorted him off my property myself.
As I closed the door behind me , I smiled to myself . A party hah? I guess I needed it anyway.
To be honest no matter how Light actually is within , he's always been so caring towards me - wait no what am I thinking ... I mustn't fall too deep into these kind of things , I reminded myself. But that same thought once again lingered in my head.
What if Light and I worked -
I practically jumped when my phone rang.

* UNKNOWN caller*

Well ,well , well . Who might this be?


Thank you guys for reading 📚
What's up , how's everyone?!

Requests :

1)To Splooshie2237
[You asked for a drawing of L]

I fell in love again. I fell in love again with watercolor lol. so I painted it using watercolor 🎨 this time instead of digital.

 so I painted it using watercolor 🎨 this time instead of digital

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2) To nejisprincess
[Watercolour again haha]

2) To nejisprincess@nejispprincess[Watercolour again haha]

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Anybody is free to request 😄
Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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