59]I'm not jealous. Right?

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"I'll have to see your closet and figure out first"
He mumbled while opening the closet as I peered inside. It smelled of Light. The clothes were perfectly organized and had not a single wrinkle on them. Something i guess I could learn . I asked him to move aside while I examined the closet , pretending to look for clothes. I can't look for that mystery object with Light just staring at me....
I pulled out a deep blue shirt and handed if to him.
"Can you try that on? I may have something that matches that shirt"
I let out smiling. Light took the shirt into his hands, examining it and looked my way nervously.
"Right now?"
I nodded while turning my head back to the closet. Light went into his bathroom to change and I used this opportunity to start looking for the object . I opened every drawer and looked behind his clothes too but I couldn't find anything suspicious. In one of the drawers I came across a black eraser mixed between his variety of ties.
I sighed at my failed attempt of finding the item. The bathroom handle clicked and Light walked out slowly. I turned immediately , a bit startled. Light's skin glowed with the blue shirt and there was a charm in his brown eyes. He looked and me and smiled playfully.
"So? How do I look"
I wanted to stop looking at him but I just couldn't....And I kind of disliked that.
"Red suits you better " I muttered while looking elsewhere and pulling out a red shirt .
"Try this too" I handed it to him.
He looked a bit disappointed by my lack of reaction to his outfit, but walked back in to change anyway.
Meanwhile I began looking through his closet again but to my disappointment there was nothing I could find except for Light's own belongings.
I came to the conclusion that there was no object in there at all.
I shut the drawer and thought for moments.
And something came to my mind...
Light was the most organised person I know.... why would there be a random eraser in the place he keeps his ties in?
Maybe the eraser had something to do with the next clue? I heard the door click and quickly grabbed the eraser and stuffed it into my pocket before Light came out.
I stood up and turned around to see Light this time.
"Better?" He said looking in his mirror
"You look..." I was mesmerised
"Amazing "
Red was definitely Light's colour. His eyes shot back up and looked into mine now.
Light begun while smiling
"Are you saying that just for the sake of it or..."
"No really " I said laughing now.
" no really what?" He questioned .
"I already told you Light. You look amazing "
I said now crossing my arms.
Light wasn't done yet. He playfully looked into my eyes while he spoke again
" And what does your 'amazing' mean?"
I rolled my eyes now and stepped closer to him.
" That you look HOT in red LIGHT YAGAMI. That's what you wanted to hear right ?"
I said all in a single breath.
Light's eyes widened a bit and he couldn't hide his smile at all. He couldn't look at me and chose to look somewhere else
"I was hoping for handsome but I'm not complaining...."
I was stuck in a situation that I created on my own and had absolutely no clue what to say. I thought i could explode any moment and I had three options.
Option one - deny
Option two - deny
Option three - deny
I decided to go with none and just stood there in Silence. I think it made it worse.
Light turned to face me completely and looked into my eyes now.
"Do you really think I'm hot?" He said while smirking a bit now.
Sayus voice called out from the doorframe and we both turned our heads to her .
" dinner is ready mom is calling you guys down....."
"Oh great let's go!" I chirped. While following her down the stairs and avoiding the whole situation.
" How much did you hear?" I said threteningly as i smiled at Light's mother from the distance.
Sayu failed to stiffle her giggles.
"H-hot in red" She tried to say while laughing uncontrollably.
"You forget that happened OKAY?" I yelled
"You think he's hot?" She giggled and I chased her around the house
"Just shut up Sayu I NEVER SAID THAT!"
Light looked down the stairs while smiling .
He watched Y/n chase his sister playfully while his mother and father laughed. It looked like one complete family.... only Y/n was capable of bringing joy in his life .
"Thank you for the food maam! It was delicious!" I said while smiling cheerfully.
Light's mother patted my shoulder lovingly in response. Mr Yagami gave me a gentle nod and Sayu embraced me in a tight hug.
Now only light was left. His parents and Sayu retreated back into the house .
We stood across each other silently before he decided to pull me in for a short hug.
"Thank you ..." he mumbled.
"Thank you for -"
"LIGHT!!!!" The high pitched voice of Misa amane called out.
She had a pout with a very mad expression on her face. Me and Light separated to look at her.
"Who are you and why are you touching my boyfriend?!" She yelled.
I felt something in my stomach churn.
Light caught the bridge of his nose visibly annoyed and upset.
"Misa stop."
I was enraged. I don't know why. Why should I care? I know he doesn't like her. And even if he did why should that matter to me?
Then why is it that I feel like punching her right now. I rolled my eyes and without saying a single word I started walking away.
"Y/N WAIT PLEASE-!" Light called out but I didn't listen to any of his pleas. I got inside my house and immediately locked the door , my blood was boiling .

I didnt leave because i was upset with Light. I left because if I stayed there even for another second I would have ended up punching that girl.

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