54] sneaky things

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I stared at the key that lay in my palm as I walked down the corridors of the building.
Okay so now I have the key to L's office ... roughly 5 hours till he will need it and notice it's gone.. I quickend my pace out the entrance and brought out the bicycle I had parked here earlier. No time to waste..
I rode straight to the hardware store nearby. Parking my bicycle, I walked in with a smile.
" Oh Y/n .. child how are you doing? "
I looked up at the old man warmly.
"Doing very well, sir " I muttered before sliding the key across to him
"Would you be able to make a duplicate by an hours time?" I asked
The man pulled up his spectacles as he examined the key.
"Sure why not . It won't take that long dear" he spoke in his sweet voice.
" Thank you very much sir "
I smiled inside out .

Author's perspective:
Misa's body lay against the cold metal as her breath hitched and she started to regain her consciousness more and more every second. Her eyes, covered by a metal plate and her body strapped to a vertical cot, all while Rem looked on .
It had been three days since she had been held captive but she refused to comply with L. Again, she lay like a lifeless body In the isolation room .
Suddenly a sensation of liveliness flew through her body and she tried to spring up again ." LET ME GO!" She yelled as L just observed the screen motionlessly.
Her cries and screams were all in vain. Not like she answered any of L's questions the way he wanted to hear them but now time Misa was exhausted of this. She whimpered to herself and then spoke in a breathless whisper.
"Kill me..."
"Just kill me"
L's ears perked up as he looked at his screen wide eyed.
Misa was not speaking to L ,but to Rem who sat in the corner by her side.
"I can't ever do that" Rem let out in her husky tone.
"I will if you won't " She announced.
Watari slammed open the doors to the room and ran to her before Misa tried to bite her own tongue and bleed out.
Rem widened her eyes ,flabbergasted.
What had happened to her dear Misa?
How would she put her out of this suffering? Rem sighed when she came to the realization that she could only calm Misa by making her forfeit her Death Note...
"Misa.." She whispered slowly.
Misa's ears perked up trying to follow where the sound emerged from.
"Forfeit the death note..."
"No..! i cant forget!" Misa yelled in disbelief.
She knew that forfeiting would cause her to lose all of her memories of the Death Note, Kira, and Shinigami, as well as eliminate her Shinigami Eyes.
"But memories of Light being your boyfriend will remain" rem convinced with a concern clear in her voice.
Misa flinched as she considered.
Rem's body grew slack. It was hard for her to part with the human she loved but she would always do what was best for her Misa... even if it meant forgetting her.
" I made her forfeit the notebook"
Rem's harsh tone surprised Ryuk and Light a bit more than it should have.
Rem growled as she looked at Light with a look of disdain.
"And if you don't save her.. I will kill you"
Light stepped back as he shut his eyes calmy. " I know, and I have a plan "
Ryuk snarled.
Reader's perspective:

"Here's your duplicate key " the man said as he handed me the item.
"You waited here for an hour so late,for this ..haha something important eh?" The man spoke while smiling.
"Yes.. sir " I replied with an uneasy smile as I didn't have quite an answer to give this time.
It was already pretty late, everyone in the Task force should've left a while back.
This was my only chance.
I quickly rode to my destination, the Task force office. I made my way silently towards the corridor. Down the hall was the Task force room, where L and the rest of the members usually sat most of the time . And to the extreme end of the passage was L's personal office room.
From my deductions, after everyone left L usually stayed in the general meeting room to use the main computers. Thankfully that's also where the camera screens were displaying the live footage which I could hopefully do something about... I took slow and steady steps down the dark corridor as I made mu way towards L's office. I took in a deep breath and turned around one last time to check if all was clear. Phew. I slowly turned the key in the lock trying my best not to make too much noise. Yes it worked! I immediately shut the door behind me as I stepped into the room. Where do I start? What do I do? I was baffled . I sighed.
I've come this far now. I began rummaging through the drawers . Piles of documents and research papers just scattered. I ran my eyes through the Files of Old cases but nothing that would catch my eye. After going through every single drawer the sweat that dripped down my forehead had now reached my hands and arms. I huffed while shutting all the drawers. The cupboard? I should check , I turned hastily and pulled the wooden cupboard doors open at once. Scanning through all the lumps of papers and documents was starting to tire me out . I didn't even know what I was looking for ! What was I gonna do now? None of the things in the cupboard held any relevance to what I was presumably looking for. My head started to throb a bit as I slumped down onto the cold floor. Doing absolutely nothing just staring at the room. Just then I noticed something peculiar about the drawers I had ransacked. The bottom ... was it possible if what I was thinking was true-
I practically leaped towards the drawers and felt around the bottom area.
I used my nails to pull round a bit and !
As I had thought, a false bottom. I pulled the bottom out as carefully as possible. There was an envelope as white as a pearl that sat there and in thin black letters was etched, my name. Y/n . As if it was not affected by the dust at all. I looked at it proudly. Before reading it I'll fix all this back, I thought. I put back the false bottom very carefully and put everything back in it's place . My eyes drifted toward the moniters above me. Oh yes, the footage. I sprang up and deleted the footage of Me caught in all the cameras. And I cloned the footage of the camera recording in L's office where I was, so I wouldn't show up in the footage. A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead as I calmy sat back now and opened up the letter. My eyebrows furrowed and my face contorted into a perplexed expression as my mind comprehended the words written down.

< Ever checked up on Raye penber recently?>

What? I thought out loud. My brain was going a million places when suddenly I heard loud footsteps outside the room . I immediately rushed behind the cupboard while my heart throbbed in my chest . I could hear my own irregular breathing as clear as day. A groan that could would only escape Watari's mouth pierced my ears.
" thats strange..I remember locking it today" a heard a low whisper .
"I'll lock it again" the voice hummed before I heard the doors of the room shut properly and a key turning in the lock.

Well. shit.

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