53] Unpredictable

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Light did something unpredictable. Planting his soft lips on hers , leaving no space between him and Misa.
He stood in disgust at himself and his actions, but knew it was necessary.
Misa was left in pure shock.
She left from his house in a trance like state,totally forgetting about any issues she had. Ryuk stared at Light, shocked.
Ryuk laughed like a maniac.
Light just stood there. His hair covering his dark eyes . His hand rose to his face with hesitancy as his fingertips trailed his lips as if confirming that it really happened. And that he did it. His fist clenched.
" Why, Light? Seems like you're enjoying your 'deal' aren't ya!?" Ryuk cackled .
"NO." Light's sudden serious and harsh tone creeped Ryuk out and he decided to leave Light alone for now.

Reader's perspective:
I stared at the box and the supposed 'treasure map'. I narrowed my eyes. I had deduced that whatever 'treasure' the map led me to was going to be related to this box. Wait, what if it was the key? That could be possible.... Or another death note? My mind was running wild right now.
I sat back down and analyzed the map. It didn't have just one specific location though... it had 6 different locations . I started at the map intently. The first location intrigued me. What could be there? I didn't waste a single second before taking a picture of this map in my phone because I'm going to really need it.
Especially for the first location...

《《Later that day ,
At the Task force office》》

"Why exactly have you gathered us here ryuzaki?" Muttered Mogi impatiently.
"H-hold on Mogi-I'm sure he has something important to say!" Matsuda defended L.
L was as nonchalant as could be,while he sliced a piece of his pastery in an elegant manner before removing the cherry from the top and placing it on his tongue devouring the flavour. Aizawa and Mogi sighed in unison.
L licked his soft lips and finally looked back at his audience .
"If I die in the next few days" began L
Earning a gasp and shocked expression from the rest.
"Then Light is Kira"
He said in the most serious tone that could escape his mouth.

"Already talking about death, hah?"
A voice came from behind them.
There stood Y/n with a smirk on her face and shine in her eyes.
L's eyes widened hearing my voice and he jumped out of his chair almost immediately, to confirm that it was my presence that he had recognized .
"Y-Y/n" he muttered before a faint smile graced his lips. My heart would have really melted. I smiled back as I walked into the room,taking a seat next to the rest.
"Where's Mr Yagami?" Asked Matsuda , a bit worried. "I didn't bring him" I sighed.
"I knew that a conversation like this would be taking place and honestly I can tell how much Mr Yagami hates when Light and Kira are even in the same sentence together " I replied . Mogi straighted his coat and walked towards the door.

[You can play the music I attached from here onwards]

"Well I'm with him " he spoke before leaving. Aizawa and matsuda followed out awkwardly . Me and L were left alone now. I spoke up. "Why do you think, that Light is Kira"
L walked towards his glass window and rested his pale palms against it. The whole city view was in our eyes right now.
"I don't think he's Kira .."
" I know he's Kira " L muttered.
I was standing right behind him. My breath fanning his neck. L turned out all of a sudden and we were so close. It all happened fast but still time was so slow. We didn't move a single inch.
"Anyone could be Kira" I breathed out.
"It's Light" he spoke, his voice so monotonous but so soft.
"What if he's not?"
"Then who is ?"
" I am" I muttered in a short sweet breath slamming my hand closely by his head ,on the window, trapping him in my arms.
L's heart was beating a million times a second as his breath hitched and his eyes widened. His gaze rose up to mine. The equanimity that L's eyes always maintained had started to wander off. I could see waves in his eyes. Waves of nervous pleasure. He was scared, he was worried, He was calculating ,He was judging, He was admiring he was shocked. Was it possible to feel so many things at a time?
My gaze on him didn't waver once. The city lights from outside glowed on my exuberant face as L saw it. His eyes, after so long held uncertainty.
I pulled back and turned around.
"Gotcha" I said while letting a small chuckle escape my mouth.
"See you later " I muttered, turning my head back a little to see why no response was heard. L just stood without saying a word.
I smiled at him faintly and walked out of the office.
I took in a long breath as I opened my fist and stared at the key in my palm.
The first location on the map, was L's personal office and the key would only be in his pocket, as I had rightly deduced.

As soon as the door shut and my presence left that room L's legs gave in. He immediately slumped to the ground
His hands covering his mouth and his eyes wide, with shock and disbelief .

Today, both Light and I had done something unpredictable.


To KiwiTherapist

To KiwiTherapist(KiwiTherapist)

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I hope you like it.

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And Thank you guys so much for 105k.
I really appreciate it a lot.

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