33] I challenge you

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In a monotonous whisper he uttered three short words.

"I am L"
I flinched.
Light's eyes widened and he tried to remian calm and composed .
It was delayed but eventually happened.
Light's eyes darted towards me. As if he was showing L another reaction ,and me another.
L's face was concentrated on Light. Searching for even a single slip up.
His eyes pierced our souls.
Light emitted a lighthearted chuckle.
"You think we'll believe that?"
His voice held mockery and disinterest on the outside but differed within.
L's eyes turned to see my reaction,but i stayed silent.
Light faced me too.
"Y/n you hear this joke-"
I smirked.
"He's L, its true"
Light went speechless and L widened his dull eyes.
"Why do you say so?" Light questioned.
"Well there are many things that point to this conclusion. Infact he took an alias like Hideki Ryuga, it's not the most common name. It is done deliberately so that he doesn't face a threat from Kira"
Light thought deep. L just froze in his place. Eyes wide and mouth agape.
L looked honestly impressed.
His dark eyes suddenly glistened in the sun's light. "You're intelligent.." he said getting closer. Light's eye twitched as he kept L from getting close.
"She knows" he muttered.
L flipped his head to Light,examining his face for moments.
"I challenge you ...to a game of tennis"
"What?" Light looked at L with annoyance.
I smiled. "Challenge accepted " I chirped.
Then stepped closer to L.
"After Light,both of us will play" my voice was sharp.
L quirked a brow but stayed silent.

The two stood on the ground with a burning fire inside them. The only thing seperating them was the net. Light held the ball with concentration.
It was his chance to show this L or whatever that he wouldn't loose. NEVER.
With all the might he had he slapped the ball into the air over the net.
The breeze hit like an asteroid.
"Come on L" I cheered.
In L's eyes, a new fire ignited. He slapped the ball back with power. Light was furious he hit it right back but now to the far end of the court. L ran and leaped in the sky slapping the ball back, as if he was rubbing his defense into Light's face.
Each time the two hit the ball a new flame of fire was ignited. Neither of them liked to lose and nor they planned to.
Just then Light slapped the ball across the court with all the force he had, L ran and jumped to hit it.
The crowd at the back watched with utmost attention .
L jumped for the shot. With all his might he reached for the ball. And swung his racket. But it was short of a milimeter and the ball dropped to the ground.
The crowd erupted into applause and Light smirked immediately looking at me. As if seeking validation and my reaction.
I smiled . Light's lips parted and seeing me smile he too smiled and admired me.
I wasn't smiling at his victory,I was smiling at my soon to be triumph.
I ran towards the duo and smirked.
"Well that was close" I remarked as L flicked some sweat off his forehead,his demeaner still dull. His eyes looked into mine."Did I play well?" He asked awaiting my response. Light spoke up.
"You weren't bad at all you know I-"
L cut him off and glared at the man.
"Thank you,but I asked Y/N "
Light rolled his eyes. L turned to me and in a second his glare was a affectionate gaze. "You were good" I said and he smiled faintly.
"Now,now our match!" I said speaking loudly to L.
Light hesitated. "Y/n...I dont think you ahould do this" he spoke.
L looked at us and began
"Oh should I go easy?" He questioned.
Light scoffed.
"I'm not worried about her,I'm worried about you"


Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now