63] Confinement for Light

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Standing in front of the task force room, I took a deep breath for the third time that day. Today was going to be a big day. Watari came by with a tray full of water bottles and stopped right in front of me. I just shook my head no and mouthed thank you. A few things came to my mind from my earlier conversation with L. "Hey, Watari!" I said, and the senile one turned and gave me a little 'hm?' "Dogs are great, you know," I said with a smile, and he looked at me a little puzzled. "Oh, yes, I love dogs, actually I used to have one," he said, and I scratched my head.
"Eh, is that so...?"
"Yes.. she was a chihuahua! Very cute I must say "
I laughed awkwardly. "Bet she was.."
He smiled and walked away leaving me chuckling to myself.
L, what game are you playing with me now?
I stood beside an outraged Mr Yagami as I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
"Everyone please relax" I muttered.
"Relax my foot, Y/n! " Mogi roared as he went on-
"This man keeps accusing Light of being Kira how would anyone stay calm and-"
Light sighed loudly, bringing all attention to himself now. "You know what, Ryuzaki?"
"You suspect me of being Kira, right?"
L watched Light closely as interest formed in his dull eyes.
"Put me under solitary confinement.
If I really am Kira, even subconsciously.. then we'll all find out." Light said with seriousness in his voice.
Mr Yagami was devastated.
"Light, there is absolutely no need for that! You cannot be serious in"
"Fine," L said monotonously as he sipped on his tea.
"Too less sugar again..." he mumbled under his breath while picking up another two cubes.
"Ryuzaki are you even listening to what he said?!" Screamed Mr.Yagami.
"For God's Sake! How horrible can-"
"Calm down. Mr.Yagami" Spoke L calmy.
Mr Yagami grit his teeth.
"You're acting unprofessional " L muttered while slowly throwing the sugar cubes in his tea.
Mr Yagami held his head as he took a deep breath in.
"Alright. Then I think it's a good idea if I am confined to a cell " Everyone in the room gasped in shock.
"Dad that's unreal-"
" I can't risk my emotions getting the better of me in this investigation. My decision is final" The stoic man announced, leaving the room. I looked at Light with a bit of a worried face. "You're sure?" I asked out of formality. Light looked at me and smiled. "Yeah"
L watched us with his usual expression.
"Watari" he called out to the man standing in the corner.
"Start making preparations for Light's confinement "
The older man nodded as he left the room.
L continued to stare at Light and me with a weird look in his eyes as he sipped his tea.
Light sighed at him and pulled me outside the room into the hallway.
"What're you doing Light" I muttered while I crossed my hands.
"I'd rather spend the last few moments I have with you, in private. Not being stared at by that psycho "
I chuckled at his statement. "Psycho, you say. You're the real psycho "
He quirked a brow at me.
"Who would willingly want to be confined in a cell, Light?" I said smiling.
"It's important, Y/n.To prove that I'm not Kira"
I smirked at him.
"Who knows?" I said leaning on the wall.
Light looked at me intensely.
"You suspect me too?" He frowned.
Before I could say anything, L opened the door. But Light didn't move his eyes off me, even for a second.
"Y/n I won't be seeing you for a long time now" Light said taking my hand into his.
I was a bit confused about where he was getting. "Before I go... I had something to tell you... since a long time and I-"
L frowned at the two of us and cleared his throat loudly.
"I'm afraid it's time for you to leave, Light" he muttered slowly.
Light looked away with a bit of frustration for a second, but still resumed our conversation while taking my hands in his now.
"Your girlfriend would be upset if she saw that" said L rather calmly but he really wasn't calm.
Light rolled his eyes at the man. I withdrew my hands from his and sighed.
Light looked at me as if trying to explain himself.
"She's not my girlfriend, Y/n. You know that" I didn't reply to that.
"Take care" were my last words to him before they took him to his cell.
I left the Taskforce office, shortly after and proceeded to go home. Across the street was the house of an elderly woman where she and her son stayed. Relatives were gathered around and vehicles were parked close by. I noticed them morning and immediately realisation dawned upon me. The lady's health condition had been critical for a few months and I guess today was finally that day. I was zoned out and lost in a trance while suddenly-
"BOO!" Ryuk's raspy voice called out. I sighed and rolled my eyes while coming back to reality.
"I know" I muttered while opening the fridge and pulling out a snack. Honestly, I hadn't realised about her passing. I was so engrossed in university, the Taskforce and of course my own research that I was rarely at home.
"YOU'RE DUMB THEN!" Ryuk shrieked while cackling.
"And why is that?"
That line didn't phase me. Not even a bit.
It's because there's no point in me dying, and I knew that. I gave my real name to Light Yagami from the beginning willingly. This world is not the real one. So even if I die here it doesn't matter. I'd still be alive in the real world. But living in the real world was as bad as being dead, so there was no point in life any which ways.
"Hey-HEY!" Ryuk yelled into my eardrums angrily.
I'M LEAVING !" He yelled and floated off to somewhere. I was actually kind of glad I got rid of him. I thought to myself briefly What would Light be doing right now? Obviously confined to a small cell, he must be feeling so claustrophobic.
I sighed deeply and took off the jacket I was wearing. While I was folding it a paper-like rectangular card fell out to the ground. I picked it up. It was a black tarot card. It had an eraser drawn on it and it read,
: Death eraser. Uses: 'erases deaths'.
I was so confused. All of a sudden the old man's words started playing in my head like a haunting memory.
"ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
"ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
"ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
Oh no. No way. What the hell.
ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
"ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
I ran up the stairs and pulled out that black eraser from my drawer.
ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
So you're telling me.... "ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
This object in my hand...
ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ.""ɖɛǟȶɦ ɛʀǟֆɛʀ ɨֆ ռօȶ ʊֆɛʟɛֆֆ."
Wasn't a normal eraser ... but a
death eraser.

I studied the peculiar object under the light on my study table. No one could ever guess that this object erased deaths... but... did it really? I needed to test it.
I remembered the lady from earlier.... maybe her? But how... for me to erase her name it had to already be written in the book.. regardless I wrote her name on the piece of death note paper I had stored and then took a deep breath in, before erasing it. Well, I knew anyway that it wouldn't work this way. I had to get a hold of Light's death note. Only then I could figure out how the hell this Eraser worked.
I knew the exact spot where the death note was buried. According to the plot, Ryuk should leave for the shinigami realm soon.
Well then, tomorrow would be a long, long day.

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now