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Matt was sat on the floor up against his bed as he was working on his homework, or more so trying to focus on his homework. However, he was quickly interrupted by a loud banging on his bedroom door. He got up and made his way over to the door as he opened it, it revealed a pissed off Veronica Gilmore. 

Matt let out a big sigh and threw his head back. "What did I do this time?" He asked. It was only natural to assume she was mad at him, seeing as it was his house she had visited this evening.

"Don't worry it's not you this time," Ronnie said as she made her way into his room, before turning to face him again and adding "at least not yet."

The Thompson boy let out a small sigh of relief. He really didn't have time for her to yell at him for hours, considering his homework was due tomorrow. Still, something was clearly bothering her, so he wasn't completely in the clear yet. "Great," he said, "Because I have homework I really need to finish-."

"It's him," she started, "He's over there all the time. In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Like does he not have a home? Do his parents not miss or wonder where he is? Oh, who am I kidding. They're probably just happy to get rid of him. Urgh, him trying to win over my mother with buying food. How desperate, right? Like you won over my mother and my grandparents by just simply existing and he's over there having to buy himself acceptance. And do not even get me started on his stupid hair and how he flips it around all the damn time."

Matt watched as the girl paced around his bedroom. "Dean? I'm guessing."

Veronica's pacing quickly game to an end as she stopped to stare at the boy. "No, Matt, Tom Hanks," she spat sarcastically earning an eyeroll from the Thompson boy. "Yes, Dean, who else?"

As Matt sat down to return to his previous spot prior to the girl entering, he said, "I don't know, but from my experience the list of people annoying Veronica Gilmore is rather long."

Ronnie sent him a death glare before letting out a fake laugh. "Funny. I can think of one name who just made it on the list."

"Please, as if my name isn't on it quite often," Matt said his eyes focused on his homework.

"It's been on there a lot after you befriended Dean. That's for sure," the Gilmore girl stated as she crossed her arms. If it was one friendship Ronnie was never going to approve of it was Matt and Dean's. First of all, she didn't really think the two of them had that much in common. Yeah, sure, both of them are on the hockey team, but that's about it. In Ronnie's eyes Matt was this funny, caring and charismatic boy, while Dean was – well he was Dean. She didn't have a better way to explain him. If she was being completely honest, she didn't really know him well enough to do so, but she just had this gut feeling about him that he was a controlling douche who only gave bad advice. Second of all, Matt is way too gullible of a person to have a friend like Dean. Clearly seeing as he went on a date with Angelica Smith because Dean suggested it. Ronnie knew that Dean didn't really think that would be a good idea if the goal was to make her like Matt more than a friend. Dean knew how much Matt liked Ronnie and he took advantage of that just to make drama. Third of all, Matt had never been friends with someone Ronnie didn't like. He always picked who to hang out with wisely even though he was gullible, which is why it was disappointing seeing his judgment fail when it came to Dean.

This caused Matt to finally look up from his homework again. "Let's not start that again," he said as the last thing he wanted to do was talk about how he went on a date with Angelica Smith. Not only was it embarrassing that he had taken Dean's terrible advice, but it also made it obvious that he had feelings for her. He knew that and he also knew that she knew that. He also straight up admitted that the goal was to make her jealous. If he could take that whole day back, he would. Not only was it humiliating, but it also proved that she didn't feel the same way which broke his heart. "I have to finish my homework, or I can say goodbye to any college out there," he continued before retuning his gaze back to his textbook.

She was going to say something. Maybe come up with some witty remark like she usually did, but she found herself frozen as she just stood there staring at him, no admiring him. It was no secret that Matt wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and that his priority was definitely not his schoolwork. Maybe that was why she couldn't keep her eyes of him, that was nice seeing him in a different light. Not to mention that there was no hiding that Matt was unbelievably attractive. All the girls at Stars Hollow High would agree, heck even most the guys would too. So, there he sat resting his back against his bed as his hair was messily clinging to his forehead. His t-shirt highlighting his toned arms. Damn, did he look good.

But her staring was cut short as he looked up and caught her gaze. "Is there a reason why you're staring at me?" He asked.

Ronnie slightly broke eye contact as she felt herself blush. "No, I just, you know, I'm not used to seeing you working so hard on your homework or caring about it for that matter. It's cute."

If this had been a few months ago Matt's heart would be beating out of his chest, and he would fist bump everyone in Stars Hollow just because Ronnie Gilmore called him cute. However, recently he has learned that she would occasionally say stuff like that without it meaning anything. Therefore, he had learned how to control his own feelings. He knew that him and Veronica would never ever be more than friends. Still, he was definitely going to mess with her.

"Hm, good thing I don't do my homework more often then, or you would be heads over heels for me by now," he said with a smirk as he sent her a challenging look.

She internally rolled her eyes and wanted to smack that stupid smirk of his face. Her cheeks turned slightly more red. She knew she should just back down and let him win this, but she couldn't. "Maybe you should do it more often then," she returned his previous smirk as she moved closer to get a look on his homework. As she spotted a blush across his cheeks, she knew she had won this round of whatever game it was that they were playing. "However, looking at your answer I should probably help you."

The last words had left her mouth before she could even try to stop them. She realized that they sounded harsh and arrogant even though they were true. Now his face was definitely turning red, and his eyes fell to the ground. She was about to apologize but was interrupted by him clearing his throat. "It's getting late, you should probably go." His tone was cold, which was unusual to hear from him, but then again she couldn't really blame him. She had been rude.

The wise thing would probably be to listen to him and leave, yet she found herself frozen in her spot. Actually, that wasn't true as she felt herself moving closer to him and sat down next him. She looked at him, desperate to make eye contact, but his gaze was frozen to the wall straight ahead. Letting out a small sigh she moved her hand to gently touch his cheek before turning his face towards her. "Hey," she said, her hand still on his cheek. Finally, his eyes met hers. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

"Shit," Matt thought. She was making it extremely difficult to only have friendly feelings towards her. And just like that he had forgiven her. Not that he was really mad at her to begin with. He was embarrassed. He wanted her to think more of him than some stupid stereotypical sports jock. He wanted her to see him like he saw her. There was nothing more he wanted to than lean in and close the small cap between them, but he knew that if he ever were to kiss Veronica Gilmore, he had to play his card right.

Whatever moment the two of them had was gone as quickly as it came, as Charlie burst through Matt's bedroom door. The pair quickly pulled away from each other. "I thought I heard your voice," the eleven-year-old boy beamed. "So typical of Matt to keep you all to himself." Before either Matt or Ronnie could say anything, the young boy had joined them. And just like that the moment between them were over. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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