TOPGUN Instructors

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Late Nighters and Early Risers unite!


After the funeral, Sarah told Tom that she needed some time off. She didn't want to go back to the same place that she flew with Nick just yet. She went over to Tom and hugged him. He responded with a hug just as tight.


After Sarah was comfortable with going back to TOPGUN, she and Tom got in their car and drove to the office located right outside the main area. They both got out and took a deep breath, then held hands while walking to the building.

Once they arrived, they were greeted by Jester. He called for Viper and he came a few minutes later. He shook their hands.

"Hey Riser, Iceman. What brings you here to TOPGUN? Couldn't get enough of it?" He said jokingly. Sarah and Tom laughed.

"We were thinking about becoming instructors here," Sarah told him.

"Well, we need all the help we can get! As graduates at the top of your class, you have the real-world experience needed. When can you start?" Viper asked them.

"We can start tomorrow?" She shrugged at Tom, who nodded.

"Welcome aboard. We are glad to have you back. I'm retiring in a week, but I can show you the ropes," Viper shook their hands again and led them back into the base where they were given new uniforms. He gave them instructional books and they were told to study them from cover to cover.

Sarah and Tom thanked him again and went home. They opened their books and began to read, taking note of any important things that could help enhance their teaching abilities.

(I'm basing this off of research)

That night, they practiced presenting PowerPoints to each other.

"So, the flat spin happens when too much yaw rate is forced upon the starboard side," Sarah used a pointer to show the movement. "It puts you into an irrecoverable state, and you have no choice to eject. You cannot save your plane."

"Good job, Riser. You may need to speak louder and more confident, but you have the terms down."

"Okay, your turn, Ice," she sat down and let Tom tell his version of the lesson.

"Today, we are going to discuss 'Flat Spins', which are irrecoverable when you are put in that situation. They are very dangerous, and you must eject from your plane before it gets too out of control. The ejection handles are located above your seat and must be pulled to be activated. The flat spin is caused when too much yaw rate is forced on the starboard side of the plane," Tom explained to Sarah.

"Good job, instructor sir. You need to point to your diagram more to visually show where everything is, just in case there are visual learners," Sarah critiqued. "I do like the explanation with where the ejection handles are."

They had to perfect this presentation, because they were expected to present it to a class the following day.


They woke up with a start the next day. Tom went to the bathroom first and changed into his tan uniform, then Sarah did the same afterwards. They gathered all of their material and drove to the main building. While walking through the halls, memories flooded back to Sarah.

"Ice... let's go somewhere else to talk. It's not good out here." They passed the classroom where they had many secret rendezvous.

Walking into another classroom, they were met with 10 sets of eyes, all peering up at them, ready for instructions. Viper nodded at them before he started introductions.

"Good morning, aviators. Your instructors for today are Sarah Woods and Tom Kazansky, callsigns Riser and Iceman, respectively," Viper stated, waving for them to come closer. Whispers scattered across the room, mostly of Sarah. She looked around and saw at least three women there. She smiled, happy that some women followed in her footsteps.

Tom began the presentation, pulling it up on the big screen. They decided that Sarah was going to point to the graphics and Tom would do the explaining, since he was the more confident of the two.

"Today, the topic we are discussing is called 'Flat Spins'." Tom began, and Sarah changed the slide, showing a picture of a plane in a spin. It was blurry because the plane was rotating so fast.

"The flat spin is caused when too much yaw rate is forced on the starboard side of the plane," Sarah pointed to the front of the plane.

"They are very dangerous, and you must eject from your plane before it is too late. If you don't, you risk death. Pull on the ejection handles located above your headrest to escape. It is better to leave your plane than die," Sarah flipped to the next slide and pointed at the ejection handles.

"That is all that we have for today. Thank you for your time," Tom finished and Viper waved them off.

Out in the hallway, they looked at each other, and they were both thinking the same thing.

Tom offered a hand and Sarah took it, leading her to the same classroom they always stayed in as students. He hopped onto a desk and sat there, seeing if she would join him. She sat beside him and gave him a side hug for support.

He leaned in and she accepted the kiss. They were lost in a blissful state, breaking apart a few seconds later.

"Ice, I love you so much," Sarah said, rubbing his back.

"I love you too, Riser," he closed his eyes, letting her massage him.

They decided to leave just in case a class had to come in, and went back outside to their car. The drive back was calm, both of them still happy about earlier.


After two years of being instructors, both of them were promoted. They could still teach, but they had more power. Tom decided to call Sarah for a meeting.

"Hey, Riser?" He asked her slowly.

"Yeah?" She replied curiously.

"Want to go on a drive?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

They got in the car and drove to a nice spot nestled between two mountains. A waterfall flowed and the rocks were smooth and rounded. Tom led Sarah up to a little cave opening. She loved this place, it was so peaceful.

They sat down, and she pulled Tom into a deep, passionate kiss. The waterfall could be heard in the background, making the scene very peaceful.

They decided their wedding would be in a month and invited every close friend they had.


Edit: Oops, I guess 1am me wanted Sarah to have a second wedding ring! I fixed it though!

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