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"Hey, Rebecca!"

I turned to see Miss Patty stepping away from her afternoon class, cigarette in hand.

"Oh hi, Miss Patty," I greeted, sending her a smile.

"So, how was California dear? Meet any cute surfer guys?" she asked, wiggling her thin eyebrows, causing me to cringe internally. I had only told a handful of people about my trip, and soon the whole town would know. She and Babette were always quick to get in on the town gossip.

As much as I love Stars hollow, I often wish its residents didn't gossip as much. You can kiss your privacy goodbye as soon as you step within its city limit.

"Uhhh, no cute surfer guys. Sorry, Patty."

"Oh honey, we need to get you a man! You're so young and beautiful, use it to your advantage! If I had your curves, I'd wear my skimpiest outfit and frolic around town." she exclaimed while throwing her arms into the air.

"It's okay Patty, I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now. I just wanna focus on school and soccer."

"You and your education and that damn sport." she sighed. "You know, you should stop using it as an excuse to not socialize. Mija, you need friends or a boyfriend even!" ("mijo/a" is a saying for son or daughter)

"Hey, I have friends!" I responded, slightly offended.

"Oh yeah lots of them. Nia, Rory, Lane, y el guero de Hartford. Mija, I can count them on one hand. One!" she retorted. ("the blonde from Hartford")

"Okay, so I'm not the most social person. But, have you seen the guys that go to that school, and so what if I don't have a lot of friends? Most people annoy me." I reason, trying to justify my lack of friends and boyfriend.

"What about the blonde, why don't you date him?"

"Sorry to break it to you Miss Patty, but Tristan isn't my type. He's too cocky and thinks that he can get whatever he wants because his dad is rich."

"All I'm saying is you need to socialize more. I saw little Sebastian with a pretty blonde girl this morning. Now, I have to get back to my class, I'll see you around dear." she smiled, crushing her burned cigarette before returning to her dancers.

"Bye Miss Patty," I responded, making my way to Luke's. The smell of coffee and fresh pancakes filled my nostrils as I walked in, instantly making eye contact with a pair of sparkling blue eyes.

"Becky!" cheered Rory as she trapped me in a bear hug.

"Hey hun, how was your trip?" Lorelai asked as she joined in.

"Good, amazing actually. Now, how does Miss Patty know that I went to California?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Both pairs of blue eyes widened as Rory and Lorelai started to laugh dryly, causing me to raise a brow.

"Funny story, um, she heard from Babette," Rory responded casually.

"Huh, and how did Babette find out?" I interrogated, knowing Babette wasn't one of the people I told about my trip.

"Ummm, how did Babette find out?" Lorelai asked as she looked around, smiling mischievously as her eyes landed on Luke.

"Oh Luke!" she sang. "Luke, look! It's your favorite waitress!"

The grumpy diner owner turned around, a confused look on his face. A smile gracing his lips as his eyes landed on me, "Hey Becky,"

"Hola Lucas," I greeted, knowing he hated when I called him that. His smile fell and he pointed toward the diner, indicating that he wanted me to get out. ("Hello, Lucas,")

"Now Lucas, that's not how you treat your favorite waitress now is it?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips causing him to roll his eyes.

"Hey, uh, Luke? I'm not gonna be able to work until next week," I said uneasily.

"What? Why?" he questioned, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"I'm gonna spend the rest of the week at my dad's," I said nervously. "But, I'm gonna be back by Sunday afternoon! And as soon as I get my schedule you'll be the first to see it after me. Also, can I leave my soccer bag upstairs? It's just that it's a 5-minute walk from here and I really don't wanna carry it all day." I rambled.

"Yes, you can keep your bag upstairs, and yes it's ok that you won't work until next week. But, only because you're going with your dad. But if Monday morning rolls around and you're still not here, I'm driving all the way to Hartford for you."

"Oh my god, your the best! I'll be back by Sunday." I promised. Suddenly remembering I had to be ready to leave at 4:30, I looked around in search of the clock.

"Holy shit," I mumbled. It was 4:27 and I hadn't packed my bags yet.

"Hey! What have I told you about  that kind of language in the diner?" Luke scolded, having heard me.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. Uhh, I gotta go, see you Sunday Lucas!" I yelled, racing out of the diner and making my way home.


Hey guys!

It's been a while, but I felt like the chapters were too short or they didn't make sense, honestly, I loved how the story was playing out but not the way I had written it at first. I'm still learning and the more I read my writing style changes. I started getting more story ideas and wanted them all to have a certain aesthetic, so I changed the name and cover. I also changed the OC's faceclaim and name, Cassandra was changed into Rebecca, she still has green eyes but her skin is a little lighter. On a side note, Miss Patty is shown speaking Spanish because I found out that Liz Torres, the woman who plays her is Puerto Rican.

I'll try to update as often as possible but this college class is kicking my ass. I have two papers due tonight and I haven't started either, lets's just hope I pass this fucking class. Also, I wrote two short - and I mean short - stories during the school year and my friends really enjoyed them, one of them even suggested I post them here. I'm not sure if I will, what do you guys think?

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and have a great day!

-J <3

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