8. I Knew You Were Trouble

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I'm glad no one noticed our absence. Trevor manages to keep his bruises out of sight, and doesn't get any questions he doesn't want to answer, according to him. That's a lot better, considering what we went through. It's probably a lot more than most people here.

   Zach catches me as I'm leaving class that afternoon, and I wave the girl I was walking with – I think her name's Brooke, but I didn't catch it clearly – on ahead. I'm glad things have changed between Zach and me since the beginning of the year, because we wouldn't have been able to do what we did without his help.

   "Hey, Zach," I say as he falls into step next to me. "What's up?"

   "I should really be asking you that," he answers. "I heard it from Trevor when he got back, but how'd it go? The HECKL trip?"

   "Oh, you know, how every trip to a Big Evil Organization's headquarters goes. You were right about them taking blood." I sigh. "At least none of us were hurt majorly."

   "Yeah." Zach raises his eyebrows. "I'd say Dad went easy on you, considering."

   "Really? I'd say he was being pretty relentless about it."

   "You got me." Zach stops walking, which makes me stop too. "Listen, Sarah, I've been thinking...the way I acted at the beginning of the year...I didn't do it intentionally."

   "I didn't think it was. I just had to accept that was the way you were." I shrug.

   "Yeah, but that's not the way I am. I mean...from the second I met you, not as Tsunami, but as me, I really liked you. I can see why Cam wants to keep you. You sound like a pretty great person." He scuffs his foot on the ground. "I know it's not appropriate, but...I kinda wanted to ask you out for coffee sometime. Like, not a date, if that's not what you want, but..."

   "Yes," I say, before he can finish, and that's what throws him. "I'd like that."

   He shakes his head, hardly able to believe his ears. "Really? You mean...you'd actually...?"

   "Yeah. I mean, for one thing, Cam never said we were exclusive, and I'm starting to like you a lot more since you came to our side." I smile when his cheeks flush.

   "Oh...wow. Okay. Um..." He rubs the back of his head. "So..."

   "I'll meet you at the coffeehouse at four-thirty tomorrow, after class."

   "Cool." He gives me a toothy grin, like a kid at a candy store. "I'll be there."


When classes get out the next day, right at four, I take the long way to the coffeehouse. I know I shouldn't be nervous. This isn't a date, that's what Zach said. But I still have butterflies in my stomach, and it makes me think I've actually mistaken my irritation towards him for something else. Something that may be the exact opposite of that.

   I finally walk in at two minutes after the half-hour, and he's already there, waiting at the end of the counter for our order. He gives me a tentative smile as I join him, digging his hands deeper into his pockets.

   "I didn't know what your usual was, so I just guessed," he says after a short silence between us.

   "Well, you're in luck, because I don't have a usual." I give him a small smile.

   "Just full of surprises, aren't you?" he says as the barista calls out his name and sets down two to-go cups. He picks up both of them and hands one to me. "Try it and see, just in case."

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