19. Waiting on the World to Change

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I feel like the odd man out in times like these, when I'm the only one who doesn't have superpowers. Hank has super-strength, and Ellis and Trevor have super healing powers. It makes me wonder sometimes how this series of events ever happened.

   The plan came together haphazardly over the last few hours. I don't know how he did it, but Hank managed to acquire two syringes full of Mayor Green's serum. One was for the Red Knight, I assumed, and the other for Mayor Green, if we could ever get close to him. Something told me we wouldn't be able to.

   Trevor comes back just then, interrupting my train of thought. He's about the size of a cockatiel, and changes the second he hits the ground. Hank crosses his arms, but behind his mask I can't tell what his expression is.

   "So, the verdict?" he says.

   "One entrance, below the stadium," Trevor says, scanning our surroundings like someone's going to jump on us at any second. "There's four guards on it."

   "Four?" Hank sounds annoyed. "Why do they need four? That's just a waste of resources."

   "Dunno." Trevor shrugs. "Two to watch the door, and two to patrol the hallway. That's what it looked like."

   "And Kitty's in place?" Hank asks, sounding a little more hopeful on that front.

   "Yep." Trevor nods. I guess it had something to do with her dad's profession as a private investigator, because she was able to sneak around without getting noticed. That was better for us, because at least we'd have a chance of finding and rescuing the others.

   "'Kay. Let's go." Hank snaps his fingers, and the traffic on the street stops like someone's hit a pause button. He gestures for us to follow, and we dash across the street after him. He snaps his fingers again, and the noise resumes like nothing happened.

   "How'd you do that?" Ellis asks, sounding impressed.

   "I can freeze time," Hank says, like it's the most natural thing in the world. "Only for short increments, but it's enough to gain a few seconds' advantage."

   I have a feeling a lot more people wish they had that superpower.

   It takes us a while to get through the stadium, having to avoid all the main thoroughfares in case someone calls us in later. The supers aren't exactly inconspicuous. But we eventually manage to make it to a deserted hallway a ways away from the locker rooms. There's a faint rumble of voices, probably the teams in the locker rooms. Down at the end, hidden behind some discarded sports equipment, is a door with the stenciled word PRIVATE on it.

   "How'd you know that was it?" Hank asks as we creep towards it, looking behind us just in case we have any unexpected visitors.

   "It's got the HECKL logo on it," Trevor says, like that explains everything.

   Trevor reaches the door first, opening it soundlessly. A long white hallway extends beyond it, with another door at the end. Two guards flank it, and it takes a second for me to realize it's a T-junction when I see two more passing in front of them. They're all dressed in black uniforms with helmets that cover their faces, which would have made a plan to disguise ourselves and sneak in equally feasible.

   Wait for it, Trevor mouthes at us, and we do, all our muscles tense. For a few seconds, nothing happens, and I'm afraid we might be caught after all. But then one of the guard's radios crackle, and a voice garbled with static comes over it. He answers, and then nods at the others to follow. A couple more seconds go by, just in case they come back, but they don't. Trevor pulls the door open all the way and we pile inside.

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