21. Feels Good To Be High

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Kitty seeks us out that Monday. I had to go home and bandage my knuckles, and take care of the split on my cheekbone and the various bruises on my face. Kaelie comes to school on a pair of crutches, her leg in a cast, and various bandage strips on her face. Kitty seems surprised by that, and no wonder. It looks like we've been through more than just the average fight. More than an average super fight, I guess.

   "Hey, you guys," she pants, her eyes darting back and forth between us. "I heard what happened. You guys okay? I mean, besides the obvious."

   I look over at Kaelie. She can't shrug, but she raises an eyebrow. "Fine," I answer finally.

   "Trevor told you what happened?" Kaelie asks as we begin our slow hobbling walk down the hall. If we walked any faster, I think we'd probably pass out.

   "Yeah." Kitty runs her hand through her messy curls. "He said he felt really bad about what happened."

   "He'd better. He risked Sarah's life doing that." I can't help but sound irritated. He nearly got Sarah killed. And the worst part was that I'd thought it would work too.

   "How's she doing?" Kitty looks over at me, her expression so concerned my annoyance for Trevor melts.

   "Let's just say she's got a lot of healing to do." I'd never heard of that kind of scale before. Shoulders, ribs, leg and arm bones, head, and neck. She practically needed a body cast. Correction: she was in a body cast.

   "Oh." Kitty buries her face in her hands, stopping in her tracks.

   "Hey." Kaelie limps over to her and gives her a trial arm rub, and that's something I never thought I'd see. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. If it was anyone's it was Trevor's."

   "I know...but if there was something I could've done..." Kitty doesn't uncover her face.

   "Just supporting her is enough." I go over and put an arm around her. "If you want we can go and see her after school. She'd probably like to see we're checking up on her."

   Kitty leans into me. "I'd like that."


I keep my word and take Kitty over to the hospital after school gets out. Kaelie, still on pain meds and sleeping pills, doesn't come with us. I've never spent that much time with Kitty, but I can sense how she feels, a barely contained composure over a rolling boil of emotion. That was only a side affect to all my other powers. I was more in tune with the electricity certain emotions had.

   We only have an hour left of guest hours when we get there. I hope we won't need more of that, but that's okay with me. All I've wanted to do since that incident is apologize to Sarah, for everything. Although I'm not sure I would know what to say.

   When we're led in, I can't even look. All I see is a bundle of gauze. It hurts to think that the smiling, beautiful girl I'd been talking to just last Thursday has now turned into someone I barely recognize. And it's all Trevor's fault.

   Kitty cautiously slides over to the side of the bed. "Sarah?"

   The traction mechanism holding up Sarah's broken limbs creaks. Then a weak voice. "Kitty?"

   The fact that Sarah's awake is what makes me join Kitty. Sarah's looking up at her with eyes that are a little more than half open. I almost have to look away again. There's only one thing that suffered the least damage, and that was Sarah's face. There's a big bruise where the Red Knight punched her, and a scrape on one cheek. Otherwise it's practically unmarked.

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