2. Where Does the Good Go

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The first thing I do when I get back from our date is send a text message to Brandon. His dad was the legendary superhero Sky Scraper, so named because of his ability to withstand extremely high altitudes when he flew. He also has super strength, which makes him pretty much like Superman. I wish I had some of the powers he did.

   What's up, man? says his text when he finally responds, twenty minutes later. I wonder what he's doing.

   We got a problem, and we think you and your dad might be able to help.

   Another two minutes. Then: Sure, man. What is it?

   I outline it, partly because it's too much to try and put into a text, and also because it'll take too long to go into the complexities of it.

   You want Dad and I to come down there this weekend, or you guys want to come up here? Cuz we could do either.

   I think about that for a second. Brandon's got to be busy, between the student government, the radio station, the tennis team, and his new fraternity, Kappa Delta Psi. I constantly tease him about getting any class time in, but he wants to go into pre-med, and always tells me not so delicately to shut the hell up. I wonder if it was his dad's idea, just to get him into a harmless line of work.

   We'll come up there. My roomie and my girlfriend could use a weekend away.

   You got a girlfriend? *Winking emoji face* Is she hot?

   Dude, no spoilers. I'll let you see for yourself. *Thumbs-up emoji* *Winking emoji*

   Fine, be that way. *Frowning emoji* I'll tell Dad you're coming.

   The other thing about Brandon — he gets away with a lot of stuff because in his non-superhero time, his dad is the dean of the arts and sciences department. Lucky. Some people got all the breaks.

   "You've been texting like crazy over there," Trevor says, coming into the room. "Who're you talking to?"

   "One of my old super friends from high school. I think he can help us with our 'evil daddy' problem."

   "Only your dad's evil, man," Trevor says with a wink. "What'd he say?"

   "He thinks he can help us. You up for a little road trip?"

   "Yeah. Totally. When're we going?"



Zach texts me when I get out of class on Friday, saying that he'd contacted his friend Brandon. He's invited us up to the Rhode Island College campus, where he goes to school, for the weekend.

   He's a really great guy when you get to know him, says his text. Kinda gotta get past the part where he wants to get into your pants, though.

   So he's like that, huh? I curse the fact that I'd been so spoiled at home, dating Cam and generally staying away from other guys.

   He gets away with a lot, his dad being a Dean and all.

   I sigh. The last time a super tried to pick up on me he turned out to have an identity crisis and some daddy issues to go along with it.

   But at least I'll have my big strong boyfriend to protect me, right?

   No response for a second, and then finally: 'Course. You don't have to worry about that.

   That makes me blush, despite the cold wind whipping in my face. Zach was still a relentless flirt, even after we'd started dating. At least I'd managed to break him out of the "babe" habit.

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