13. No Time To Die

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It takes a while for Cam to fully explain everything to Ellis and Kaelie. Ellis represses a snort when he gets to the part about shooting Dom in the crotch, and Kaelie elbows him in the ribs. I can hear Ettie's harsh breathing next to me, and when I look over she's scowling at the back of Ellis's head.

   "So you never even got this super's name?" Kaelie asks when he finishes. "It'd be helpful for future reference."

   Cam shrugs. "I kinda forgot to ask, especially when he started shooting fireballs at me."

   "Fair enough," Ellis says, grabbing Kaelie's arm when she tenses, probably about to shoot a snarky remark at him. "There is a way to find out, though. There's a database I've used a few times, to find supers by putting in a list of their powers. Maybe we should start there."

   Cam sighs, running one hand over his face. "Ow. Okay."

   "I'll clean him up," Ettie says, rounding the couch and disappearing into the kitchen.

   "So what is this database, Ellis?" I ask, sitting down next to Cam and leaving a comfortable distance.

   "Here, I'll show you." He pulls his phone out and begins to type on it. "Vermillion told me about it, actually. When she was battling some blob-thing last year. What were his powers, Cam?"

   "Purple fireballs," Cam says, tilting his head back into the pillows. "And probably super strength, judging by the size of his muscles."

   "Anything else? We still have fifty-eight supers with those kinds of powers."

   "Is being an idiot a superpower?" Ettie says as she comes back in, sitting on the arm next to Cam and beginning to gently clean the blood off his face. "Because Dom sure was good at it."

   "Ego comes with being a super, sorry," Ellis says, shrugging. "Where's he from, by chance? That might narrow it down."

   "Atlanta." Ettie sighs, her brow furrowing. "I just realized I still have to get all my stuff from him."

   "When that happens, we'll go together," Cam says. "I don't trust him alone with you anymore."

   "That's sweet, Cam, thank you." She kisses his forehead and then continues to clean him up.

   "Look, there." Kaelie suddenly points at the phone screen. "That's him. Gremlin."

   "Gremlin?" I repeat. "Like the car?"

   "Or the creature that you can't feed after dark or get wet," says Ellis, and when we give him a blank look, he rolls his eyes. "The 1984 movie? Oh, come on, you guys."

   "Too young for it," Ettie says. "What's it say about him?"

   "Well, he's been active since at least 2010. But it's unclear whether he's a hero or a villain. Mostly it seems like he's a gun for hire. He'll do anything that anyone asks him to."

   "As long as he gets his money and a girl," Cameron says, and to my surprise, Ellis nods.

   "What else?" Now I'm interested too, because it's a wonder Ettie dated him for so long and didn't notice anything unusual. Then again, maybe she did and just didn't say anything.

   "He's a master of illusion. He can change his appearance to look any way he wants. But the way you guys saw him is probably the real thing. He has a weakness, and that seems to be a smart pretty girl."

   Kaelie and I exchange a glance with a smile, and I see Ettie blushing, even though she's concentrating harder than ever on Cam's bruises.

   "Then how do we figure out who he's working for? We can't just clap a smart pretty girl down in front of him." Kaelie crosses her arms, sighing in exasperation.

The Super Jerk Trilogy (Now 3-in-1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang