Little bubbles are wrapped up

93 26 29

The windows are wide open

now; and the gusting wind

taking a place inside, and there's

soft whirring sound, buzzing around.

suddenly the clock strikes at 3,

I see it with wide eyes,

maybe it's just an eerie vibe,

slowly becoming scarier.

the room is getting hot

and dark, no signs of breezing

sound, only crinkly shaking breath

limping on taking every step.

now there is reverberation

silence, yet it couldn't bring any

solace, lost in many thoughts

there's flaming ashes.

the birds are chirping around,

from flying here to there,

little bubbles are wrapping up,

an anonymous guest arrived.

the heart is thumping aloud, sweat

is dripping, yet I'm frozen— stiffen

with raging bull, a sudden burst of

bubbles, open my eyes abruptly.


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