Bitter spring (II)

52 17 30

I was just a speck, in the fair dust

I was just a human being, born alone

I was, a mere object in the viewpoints

of universe, if in the timeline you wish

for another life, perhaps I would

never exist.

for me, you're another moon

in the timeless yellow dome,

It's not a heaven, nor a hell

but a star, dreading over

bitter seeds.

Can you pull the strap on the wheels?

crooked to escape, stuck in the loop

of enrage, maybe when you try to

finally breath, the world goes in

voiceless dreams.

the devil swish in a circle,

the tender ones always shy,

fussy are the ones who rebel,

but— seeds in the front door

sprouting rapidly,

to reach



            perhaps, in the midnight blank

              glasses break down, with wind

                 against a candle blow.

— 8th February, 2024
(Part (III) will be coming soon)

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