Bitter spring (I)

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The silent waves sleep in limpid grey,

each drop, describing a story of smaller

ones, each rings in the bloody head—

sleep can't come in the peaceful leaves,

but where do you go with the bell ring?

swim, switch, swim, switch under the twisting

water, first find out what's the time?

is it four, it is four more months?

all the living creatures living lies,

But who will shed light?

maybe the sun is dripping tears

in the rain light, a fair youth blushing

in roseberry lips, perhaps this is the start

of every beginning, where silver wasps

waits for their next fruit.

In the hills, you grope for vain,

life’s tides only shrink in bitter spring.

— 28th January, 2024.

Part (II) is coming soon!

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