Chapter 3: Audition And Withdrawal

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     ~~Part 1: What Goes Up...~~

"Forgive me for not introducing myself..." One of the demons chuckled softly. "I'm Charlie."

"Princess?" You asked, looking at her, then at Angel and then back at her. She chuckled gently and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Yeah. And this is my girlfriend Vaggie." She answered, using her hand to gesture at her lover beside her. Vaggie offered you a small smile and a polite nod, you did the same as a formality.  "So... What exactly would you need?"

"Well," you began. "aerial silks was my forte. Preferably nylon, but I'm not too picky. Would also necessitate the proper hanger installment for them. Maybe headset mic, if you wanted me to sing too, but that's not mandatory."

"How... How the hell do you have the breath control to do both at the same time?" Angel asked. You shrugged with a coy smile.

"Years and years of training." You chuckled softly. "It's not easy, even with practice. I just make it look good." You smirked.

"Is it possible we could have that set up in the auditoriu-" Charlie began to ask, but Alastor interrupted. Glancing off to the side with a wave of his hand as he spoke.

"Already done."

You folded your arms across your chest and furrowed a brow, looking at the deer man with intrigue. "You wanna see too?" You asked, a bit baffled that he'd be interested in the site after what just happened moments ago.

He grinned smugly and shrugged his shoulders. "It's not every day such an opportunity arises to see such an act." He said matter of factly. "Besides, if you fall flat on your face it'll be a bonus."

"Bite me." You instinctively sneered.

"Don't tempt me."

"Okay first things first," Vaggie interrupted, pointing at the two of you as she spoke. "If we hire you, you two need to knock it off. You don't have to be friends, fuck, you don't even have to like each other. But Alastor, you will not be permitted to harm her for as long as she is employed here, and you won't instigate him. Got it?"

"But-" you both protested, defenses on the tips of your tongues but Vaggie cut that chance off real quick. Her fiery attitude clear as crystal in her voice.


You blinked owlishly at her, gritting your teeth. Unbelievable. This woman was talking to you and him like you were goddamn toddlers. And you begrudgingly had to bite your tongue and agree if you wanted this to work out. Alastor didn't seem too pleased either, however, you had to admit he was much more well composed than you were. You weren't exactly happy at the idea of working along side someone who literally tried to eat you, however you felt a bit safer under Charlie and Vaggie's watchful eye.

"Fine." You both said, a deep air of annoyance hanging thickly from your words.

"Y/n?, is it?" Charlie asked. You looked over at her, your expression softening a little as you hummed in response. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

You pursed your lips and glanced down at the floor for a moment, shaking your head no.

"Is there anywhere you can go?"

"An alley behind a building." You answered, a little softer than you meant to. "I just woke up in Hell yesterday. I'm brand spankin' new."

Charlie and Vaggie's expressions softened as well, to ones of sympathy and understanding. That would make sense why you stayed the night here, you were pretty much desperate if you didn't wanna sleep on the street. Every sinner had been there. Waking up in an unfamiliar place, no where to go, and not a single friendly face happy to help you. Some managed to build livelihoods and land apartments or houses, but many did not. It's just how it was... Even the stag felt a twinge of sympathy.

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