Chapter 33: Collapse of Corruption

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(A/n: Don't come at me for spelling it 'Blitzo' and not 'Blitz', he said it himself the 'o' is just silent; it didn't disappear entirely. Okay? Okay.)

"Push, sir..."

"It's a push door, why do you keep pulling?"

"The sign says pull!!"

"The sign is on the other side of the door, captain dipshit." Loona called out from the opposite side of the glass. Not even bothering to look up from her phone, let alone open the door for the trio of imps.

Blitzo's eyes narrowed with disdain; rolling so far back he could have caught a glimpse of his own brain. Pushing on the handle which caused the new door to open with ease, the three slipped inside his office.

"Another day, another whiny sucker ready to give me a fucking headache."

"But sir, without clients then we wouldn't be in business-" Moxxie tried to state.

"Doesn't change the fact that half of them are about as pleasant as an itchy asshole."

"Your attitude has been sorta... shit, lately, sir." Millie said.

"And you two have been about as useful as the letter 'k' in 'knife'."

"There's somebody who came in to see you," Loona then mentioned dryly. Still not looking up from her phone. "Said her name was Y/n. She's with some guy who has a funny voice. They're in the waiting room."

"How long have they been waiting?" Mox asked.

The hellhound shrugged. "Dunno. A while."

"You couldn't let them in??" Blitzo asked with exasperation.

"I'm still on my break."

"Oh for fucks sake- Mox, send them in here."

Moxxie nodded with a gentle sigh and exited the room.

"I swear to fuck that douche-canoe was trying to rip me off- almost ripped his nutsack looking chin right off his face." The disgruntled imp muttered to himself as he sat down at his desk.

"Sir you wanted to add cheese to your sandwich, he told you that it would cost extra. It even said it on the sign-"

"That much for one slice of cheese?! It was highway fucking robbery, Millie!! Trying to charge that much for a single slice of cheese in this economy...-"

"Uh... sir," Moxxie said timidly. Coming back inside the room. Shutting the door behind him and barricading it with his own body as if he could hold it. "The radio demon is here."

"The who?" Loona asked, raising a brow.

"The radio demon?!" Millie exclaimed. Leaping over to the door and flinging it wide open. Flinging her poor lover off to the other side of the room in the process as she was caught up in excitement.

"Come in~!!" She called out into the hallway.

"Loona, sweetie," Blitzo started to say through a wide, closed-toothed grin. "Do not be rude to the really red guy that's about to walk in, he can erase this entire building and everyone inside it in a nanosecond."

His daughter merely rolled her eyes and said nothing.

As if on cue, you and Alastor waltzed right through the door. Both of you carrying this aura of pride that was so strong it was almost tangible to the senses. The stags presence certainly carried weight on it's own; and it really shown through in the calmness of his natural smile. Like a lion knowing it was the king of the jungle, and no other animal dared to argue it.

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