Chapter 21: Affirmations

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"Here's to Y/n. Our favorite little rascal who gave her all in everything that she did, one talented performer and hell of a friend." Paul, a strongman in the circus's show had proposed. Raising his glass full of cheap whiskey high above his head.

"To Y/n." Everyone said, raising their glasses in a toast. Everyone's faces were solemn, that or could be mistaken for numb and full of void. The shows had carried on like normal, but nothing quite felt the same. It didn't feel like home for anyone there without you in it anymore.

Shannon almost left the circus entirely when your folks demanded that she take your spot the day they found your body, but instead she tore them a new one in front of the whole damn tent full of workers and performers for even suggesting such a thing. Berating them for not being more compassionate, and claiming that the elders that had worked along side you had been more like a family than those two ever were. Everyone agreed, even if they didn't announce it vocally. Some even threatened to leave. That shut them up pretty quick.

"And here's to Reggie. Another soul taken too soon from us, knew how to make everyone laugh with or without the clown paint on. Maybe wherever he is now, he can look out for Y/n too... May they rest in peace."

"May they rest in peace."


The sound of radio static was what helped stir you from your otherwise peaceful slumber. It was soft, quiet and gentle. Almost like little snores that sounded like white noise as his chest rose and fell against you. It was pretty adorable, if you were being honest. Who'd have thought one of the most fearsome demons within Hell would turn out to be such a lovable and sweet man behind closed doors? And a total simp for you, for that matter. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel lucky.

A sweet little smile crept it's way along your face as you wrapped your arms around the deer man who lay on top of you. Practically purring as he tiredly nestled his head into your chest, waking up slowly and listening to the sound of your heart beating. In that moment he decided that was his favorite sound in existence, next to that of your laughter.

You leaned down and gave him a smooch on the top of his head to silently say good morning. Speaking of morning, what time was it?

Normally you were up before the sky was mostly lit, a force of habit being used to getting up early. As was Alastor who was supposed to have broadcasted this morning, but instead chose to stay with you. Whoopsie.

You paused scratching his head and playing with his hair, and reached over for the little digital clock on the side of the bed to get a look at the time. But Alastor had reached up and gently grabbed your arm; placing it back onto him so that your hand lay gently on the nape of his neck.

"Don't stop." he said quietly. His words muffled slightly from his face nuzzling into you.

"D'awhh." You giggled, continuing to give him gentle scratches on his scalp and began petting his ears. Feeling his smile widen even more against your skin as he cuddled you tighter.

"Mmmm..." he hummed. "It wasn't a dream...?"

"It wasn't a dream." You confirmed. Closing your eyes and just enjoying the late morning snuggles. It felt so nice to be held like this, you'd almost forgotten what it was like. "Thank you for last night." You added.

"It was my pleasure, darling." He hummed with a mischievous little chuckle. "I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did."

"You have no idea." You said happily. You held him for a few moments in peaceful quietude, just basking in each other's company. Just two souls coexisting, like nothing outside the walls of your suite even mattered.

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