Chapter 9: Phantom Pain

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~~Part 1: New Friend~~

"I'm sorry, what?"

You blinked owlishly as his words sank in, his last sentence lingering the air; and filling you with a sense of dread. Also sitting in the back of your mind was the fact that you were alone in an abandoned funhouse basement with him, and had little idea of how to get back out. You couldn't exactly examine the room for another exit without your eyes darting about like crazy, which would instantly let him know you were panicked. Even if you did escape, you didn't know how to get back to the hotel.

Great. I've been hanging out with a murderer. Should have seen that coming.

"I was a serial killer." He reiterated. "Can't really sugar-coat it, my dear."

"I shouldn't be surprised, but, here we are." You chuckled nervously.

"I had a type, if it of any reassurance to you." He chuckled darkly. "I didn't go after just anybody. Although... You do fit a close description."

"Friendly reminder that Charlie would not be happy if you hurt lil' ole' me." You stated.

"How could I forget?" He said flatly, you noted the subtle eye-roll he threw your way before his smile widened at you and he continued to speak. "Rest assured it's quite out of character for me to harm a lady in such a manner, however."

"Could have fooled me, I must have made quite the first impression then." You muttered.

"I'm a lenient fellow who's willing to make exceptions on a rare occasion." He chuckled. "Fear not darling, I say this not to intimidate you."

Fucking liar. You thought bitterly.

"You asked what I'm guilty of, and well, there you go." He grinned. "No sense in hiding it."

"Is the cannibalism a part of that too?" You wondered.

"Actually, I picked that up a few years after the murders began." He explained.

"How the hell do you 'pick up' a dietary habit like that?" You asked, wincing a little as you thought back to how you were almost a meal for this guy.

"Do I detect a hint of judgement in your line of questioning, dear?" He asked, slightly offended by your put-off attitude.

"Lil' bit, yeah." You blurted out. "When did it dawn on you, that you're just going about your day, whatever that consists of for you... You start feeling a bit hungry. And you think to yourself, 'what the hell, I'll just eat a person!'?"

"You really want a full exposition or is this a rhetorical question?"

"How can that even taste good?" You asked.

"Well if properly prepared it has a tendency to taste close to veal." He said nonchalantly. "Otherwise I admit it is an acquired taste, one I've grown to appreciate."

"Oh my go-"

"Aht aht, we don't use that word down here."

You stood there slightly wide eyed, looking at the floor as you let this information sink in. Then rubbed your temples in some feeble attempt to calm yourself as you paced around a small area of the room. Alastor watched in amusement as the gears in your head turned, somewhat delighted that you were disgruntled a bit at his misdeeds. However discontent, not at all caring for the fact that it only put you on guard once again. And after you were just starting to get along a little, too.

He did not take kindly to the fact that you were casting such harsh judgement on him. Being a sinner yourself, you didn't exactly have any right to act as if you're on a higher pedestal than him. And not only that, you had no idea what he had gone through. As far as he was concerned, you had no clue what he had to do to survive. How he had to scrape and claw his way to be from where he was to where he is now.

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