Chapter 13: A Lasting Mark

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(TW: mention of miscarriage)

~~Part 1: Quality Bonding~~

"Hey bestieee~!" You shouted, causing the already cranky feline to fumble the bottle of Jameson in his hand and let it fall onto its side; spilling some of the contents onto the bar counter.

"ShiiiiiIIIIT." He groaned. "Can't you go distract somebody else?"

"Could, but I'd rather not." You shrugged, walking over to the cozy little bar and sitting across from him. "Still mad about earlier?"


"Would it make it better if I told you I was sorry?" You asked, batting your lashes at the cat.

"No." He grumbled, cleaning up the mess you caused him to make before pouring himself a few shots.

"Hmm. Then it seems we've reached an impasse." You teased. Husk paused his pouring and glared at you, prompting a snicker to escape your throat.

"I'm sorry for pissing you off." You said genuinely. Still unable to wipe the gentle smile from your face. "Really. I thought it'd be funny, and it was, not gonna lie. But that wasn't nice of me and I'm sorry to upset you so much."

His expression softened, finishing pouring a fourth shot glass of the amber liquid. You extended your hand out to him, offering a handshake. "Truce?" You asked.

He raised a brow as he looked down at your hand, then panned his gaze back up at you. Sighing heavily he extended his hand as well and firmly shook yours.

"I'm gonna get you back one day." He huffed, before nudging two of the shot glasses towards you and keeping the other two to himself.

"That's fair." You chuckled, letting go of his hand and picking up one of the shots. Admiring the color of the bitter liquid as it swirled around in the small thin glass.

"What's with the gloves?" He asked, throwing one of his shots back and swallowing it with one big gulp.

"Bit of a germaphobe." You lied. Taking a quiet breath before drinking your first shot as well.

I'm not gonna get trashed, you thought to yourself. The bitter fluid burning your throat and warming your stomach. Trying not to grimace as you waited for the awful yet familiar taste to dissipate.

I'm not gonna fall back into bad habits. Just a little fun. Just to let loose.

"Uh huh. Sure." He scoffed.

You gave him a side-eye glare, not particularly fond of his disbelief. Then again, you weren't surprised. Lack of trust seemed to be a very prominent quality in a lot of sinners. Yourself included.

"I don't like being touched. Alright?" You admitted.

"Bad experience or just personal space?" He asked drinking his second shot before refilling both the glasses. Refilling your first one as well.

"Both." You answered. Wrapping your fingers daintily around the other glass. "Can I tell you something? And... not hear it back to me from somebody else later?"

"Are you asking if I can keep a secret?" He asked. "Yeah. I don't give enough of a shit to gossip with anyone else."

You nodded with a gentle sigh. "I... see things. When people touch me. In my head."

"That's called having a thought, Y/n."

You tried like hell to just glare at him and not break deadpan, but you couldn't stifle the smirk.

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