Chapter 28: Let's Misbehave

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(Content Advisory⚠️: brief smut scene)


Alastor's tired eyes blinked slowly as he looked at your sleeping form.

Not necessarily being creepy, just taking in the view that was you next to him.

It was late, he had awoken from his slumber perhaps no more than five minutes ago. But as he rolled over and closed his eyes, trying to get comfortable, his mind and body just wouldn't slip back to the realm of sleep.

He watched your chest rise and fall as you breathed; his eyes scanning up to admire your face. Smiling softly to himself at your messy hair and your pouted lips. Half your face adorable buried into the pillow beneath your head. You looked so precious to him, so perfect and cute.

'My pretty little doll,' he thought happily as he looked at you. 'My crush, my forever...'

Being careful not to wake you, he lifted his head up from the pillow and leaned forward to give you a soft, chaste kiss on your forehead. You stirred slightly, a slight shudder wracking your frame for a moment. Alastor noticed you shiver, and watched as goosebumps began to form along your skin.

'Oh dear, is she cold?' He wondered.

Not wanting you to be uncomfortable, he pulled the blankets up more and carefully covered you up. Tucking you in, making sure you were all nice and snug before scooting closer. You settled down as he wrapped an arm around you, but only for a moment.

Just as Al was closing his eyes to try and fall back asleep, he heard your heart begin to race in your chest. Slowly increasing in speed. Maybe thirty seconds later, you began to whimper.

The buck opened his eyes and looked down at your face. Disconcerted to see that your peaceful expression he saw just before had then contorted to one of unease.

"N-...nn~..." you murmured in your sleep. It was like you were trying to speak but it was garbled from sleep. By now your whimpers had begun to sound desperate. Your body twitched, trying to flee from or fight off whatever ailed your subconscious.

"Darling?" Alastor said quietly. Gently squeezing your shoulder and nudging you in attempt to wake you but to no avail.

"God, no... Please..." you begged quietly. Whom you thought you were talking to, Al didn't know. But it almost broke his heart in two when he saw tears begin to spill from your closed, tightly clenched eyes.

"Sweetheart," he urged again. Shaking you a little and raising his voice. "Sweetheart wake up!"

"Don't..." you whined. Squirming next to him more, becoming more restless and less restricted in movement.

"Y/n! Wake up you're dreaming!"

"Don't... touch...!"

Your eyes snapped open and you instinctually shoved your boyfriend away from you in your panicked state. Accidentally punching him right in the lip as you did so. You didn't mean it. Hell you weren't even fully aware you were awake yet. But that didn't mean Alastor didn't feel it.

"Dammit." he grumbled. Feeling his aching mouth in his hand as he sat up in bed. Letting out a quiet groan of discomfort as he watched you frantically look around the room to examine your surroundings.

"W-wait... What? Huh?" You blubbered. Taking deep, panting breaths as you realized you were in your room. Your eyes were wide and your pupils were constricted, indicating to the stag that you felt fear. You raked your fingers through your tussled hair to move the front strands out of your face; noting the faint layer of sweat on your forehead as you did so.

Scars Of The Wicked (Alastor X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن